DSAPPRegister (service)

API version: 2

Availability: DIGIPASS Gateway 5.0 and later

Authentication: Basic HTTP authentication using the back-end API key.

The DSAPPRegister service performs a provisioning registration operation using Digipass Software Advanced Provisioning Protocol (DSAPP).




DSAPPRegister parameters
Parameter name Data type Description
domain String Optional. The domain of the user.
dsAppVersion Integer

Required. The version of the communication protocol to use.

Possible values: 1, 2

The current version is 2.

staticPassword String Required. The static password of the user.
userID String Required. The user name.


  "dsAppVersion": 2,
  "userID": "jane.doe",
  "domain": "mydomain.com",
  "staticPassword": "myPassword"


DSAPPRegister return values
Return value Description
resultCodes A JSON object that contains the return and status codes of the service.
result A JSON object that contains the generated registration activation data.


      "returnCodeEnum": "RET_SUCCESS",
      "statusCodeEnum": "STAT_SUCCESS",
      "returnCode": 0,
      "statusCode": 0
      "registrationIdentifier": "e3wfISG9",
      "activationPassword": "Tb048aX1",
      "credentialsMessage": "88D998CD6B8FE3989CB6E342854DEA4C"