cancelLogin (service)

This command is deprecated! Use cancelAuthUser (service) [v2] instead!

API version: 1

Availability: DIGIPASS Gateway 4.1 and later

Authentication: Basic HTTP authentication using the front-end API key.

The cancelLogin service cancels a pending push and login authentication. The respective authentication is identified by a challenge key previously received via push notification.




cancelLogin parameters
Parameter name Data type Description
digipassInstanceID String Required. The unique identifier of the Digipass instance. This is the concatenation of the Digipass serial number and the Digipass sequence number, separated by a dash.
encryptedChallengeKey String Required. The challenge key protected by a Secure Channel message generated with the Digipass SDK.


  "digipassInstanceID": "VDS1000000-1",
  "encryptedChallengeKey": "254B698F7809C9AEAB10F1DEAC658601..."


cancelLogin return values
Return value Data type Description
errorCode Integer The return code provided by OneSpan Authentication Server. 0 is returned in case of success.
errorMessage String The error message provided by OneSpan Authentication Server. STAT_SUCCESS is returned in case of success.


  "errorCode": 0,
  "errorMessage": "STAT_SUCCESS"