DSAPPActivate (service)

API version: 2

Availability: DIGIPASS Gateway 5.0 and later

Authentication: Basic HTTP authentication using the front-end API key.

The DSAPPActivate service performs a provisioning activation operation using Digipass Software Advanced Provisioning Protocol (DSAPP).




DSAPPActivate parameters
Parameter name Data type Description
clientInitialVector String Required. The client initial vector used by the mobile application using the DSAPP SDK.
derivationCode String Required. The derivation code generated by the mobile application using the Digipass SDK.
encryptedServerNonce String

Required. The encrypted server nonce used by the mobile application using the DSAPP SDK.

registrationIdentifier String Required. The unique identifier of a user for a given activation process; returned by DSAPPRegister.


  "registrationIdentifier": "e3wfISG9",
  "encryptedServerNonce": "E7D63951460ACB3EC08C5AF618FB29D1",
  "clientInitialVector": "45D8319F02E4B42C5EA067A6A0593B20",
  "derivationCode": "591107863614246"


DSAPPActivate return values
Return value Description
resultCodes A JSON object that contains the return and status codes of the service.
result A JSON object that contains the user information.


      "returnCodeEnum": "RET_SUCCESS",
      "statusCodeEnum": "STAT_SUCCESS",
      "returnCode": 0,
      "statusCode": 0
      "userID": "jane.doe",
      "domain": "myDomain.com",
      "serialNumber": "VDS1000003"