instanceActivation (service)

This command is deprecated! Use DSAPPMdlAddDevice (service) instead!

API version: 1

Availability: DIGIPASS Gateway 4.1 and later

Authentication: None.

The instanceActivation registers a new device that supports Secure Channel activation. It retrieves Activation Message 2 (instance).




Parameters to the service are passed via the URI query component.

instanceActivation parameters
Parameter name Data type Description
DeviceCode String Required. The device code generated by the mobile application using the Digipass SDK. This is needed for validation and derivation purposes.
InitialVector String Required. The updated initial vector used by the mobile application using the DSAPP SDK.
Nonce String Required. The updated encrypted server nonce used by the mobile application using the DSAPP SDK.
RegistrationIdentifier String Required. The unique identifier of a user for a given activation process.




The service returns an XML response message containing the result.

instanceActivation return values
Return value Data type Description
//DP4Mobile/@retCode Integer The return code of the operation.
//DP4Mobile/@message String The error message in case of an error.
//InstanceActivation/ @instanceActivationMessage String The instance activation message (i.e. Activation Message 2).


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<DP4Mobile retCode="0">
  <InstanceActivation instanceActivationMessage="82A53BF7E525012E2488BA51E9E33655..." />