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We are successfully receiving EVENT NOTIFICATIONS on one of our service endpoints:
name=PACKAGE_COMPLETE, sessionUser=xxx, packageId=rf3254trfdsdsa-K3PDEY=, message=null, documentId=null, create
Dear, We got a PDF document with multiple locations where we need a signature (page , x and y locations are already know) But we would like to have a single button option, like with the option

Replies Created

Reply to: Disclosure document with multiple locations

0 votes
Thanks for the quick response. It looks like the Consent Document does not work for us. Because we need the signature stamp on all locations. So we need one button to set all signatures, is this possible? edit: Please note there is only one signer

Reply to: EVENT NOTIFICATIONS retries and time outs

0 votes
Thanks for the anwers. Some more questions to make it more clear for me because I don't understand it completely
"If a failure occurs during the callback itself, then an e-mail with the failure reason is sent to the package owner."
  1. Whats does this mean? Which http response codes from our site results in this e-mail? Or is it when a time-out occurs?
  2. And how long does your system wait for a response?


Topics Replies Freshness Views Users
We are successfully receiving EVENT NOTIFICATIONS on one of our service endpoints:
name=PACKAGE_COMPLETE, sessionUser=xxx, packageId=rf3254trfdsdsa-K3PDEY=, message=null, documentId=null, create
5 4 years 10 months ago 156
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Dear, We got a PDF document with multiple locations where we need a signature (page , x and y locations are already know) But we would like to have a single button option, like with the option
3 6 years 1 month ago 30
Profile picture for user harishaidary
Through the REST API, make the email notifications configurable much like configuring the signing ceremony layout on a package by package basis.
5 4 years 8 months ago 111
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

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