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We receive the following error message if the package is signed by the one individual and not the other when we do a check status call. Could not get signing status.
When we have a package that has two signers and one signer has completed signing and the other is still pending, when we perform a check status, we are getting the following error. Could not get sign

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Can you check this one done at 1:15 today. There should only be two people involved. We also don’t see the callback coming in either when we only have one signer complete. Could not get signing status. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. HTTP GET on URI Optional details: {"technical":"Could not find the signer summary in the transaction summary 'e7AgtuJCcJ7GA8oAkGgGGgk784I=' with signer uid 'SzkhHmoR2YcY'","messageKey":"error.notFound.signerNotFound","message":"The specified signer cannot be found.","code":404,"name":"Resource Not Found"}


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We receive the following error message if the package is signed by the one individual and not the other when we do a check status call. Could not get signing status.
5 5 years 11 months ago 173
Profile picture for user harishaidary
When we have a package that has two signers and one signer has completed signing and the other is still pending, when we perform a check status, we are getting the following error. Could not get sign
3 6 years ago 121
Profile picture for user harishaidary

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