Shyam | Posts: 9

Get api key

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I want to retrieve api key, flow is as 

I have many accounts and for document 1 I will use account 1, for document 2 I will use another account 2. 
using C# code I will send document 1 with signers but for that I want to use account 1 api key. 

Document 2 with signers but this time I want to account 2.   

is there any way to fetch api key based on login like - account 1 holder will login OneSpan and after their apikey will be used for further process, so how to get that apikey in my application? 


Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Get api key

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Hi Shyam,


If your user has their own OneSpan Sign accounts and API Keys, it would be suggested to have your user manually get the API Key / Token from their respective sender portal, then insert and store securely at your application:

Log onto their sender portal (e.g. > expand "Admin" tab > choose "API Access" > unmask the API Key



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

Shyam | Posts: 9

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Hi Duo

Thanks for your reply. 

Is there any another way using code to get api_key? 

Like user click on any link in my application - redirect to your application for login - after successful login - redirect back to my application with callback url and api_key. And that user will use that api key or any token for further transaction through my website to onespan for document / package creation / signer creation and etc.





Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Shyam,


I don't think OneSpan Sign provides a web server authentication flow today, in which case, you could open this link in a new tab:

Which redirects your user to their API Access page after logging in. Then, they would close the tab and still manually copy paste the value back to your application.



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

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