
Looking to create a transaction (done) and then get a signing URL or start signing process because I need to allow signing in an "iframe" or withing a .NET application wihtout sending the emails out, or maybe just the completed email to signers.




I am testing the field_validators_c#.cs code from your website but I am getting an error: {"Could not create a new package. Exception: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 1, position 1."}    OneSpanSign.Sdk.OssException

The code runs successfully using my sandbox account with the following changes made:


using OneSpanSign.Sdk;
using OneSpanSign.Sdk.Builder;

and removed

using Silanis.ESL.SDK;
using Silanis.ESL.SDK.Builder;

Used OssClient instead of EslClient.



I am using text tag extraction feature and adding signer dynamically and without adding approval code was working fine. But now it is breaking and throwing error  Could not send the package. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. HTTP POST on URI Optional details: {"messageKey":"error.validation.sendPackage.noApprovals","message":"Cannot send package without approvals.","code":400,"name":"Validation Error"}.


Sender sdr = new Sender();
AccountService accountService = new AccountService();
sdr = accountService.GetSender("##########");

Trying to instantiate accountService causes CS1729 'AccountService' does not contain a constructer that takes 0 arguments. There is no info in Object browser indicating what are possible constructors for "AccountService" class.