harishkonda | Posts: 26

Download documents for multiple packages

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Team, I was exploring REST API for one of our need, where, we need to download all the documents for all packages that has been completed for a given day. I see Reports option where you can git list of completed packages for a given day. I also see download documents option for a specific package. But I could not find where to mix both together, so that end result I would get a big zip file of 100s of documents of all package that has been completed for that day. Is their any such option with ESign? Can you provide possible guidance in this regard?

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Download documents for multiple packages

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Hi Harish, Unfortunately, there isn't such a feature in eSignLive. One option (you've essentially worked it out already) is to use the completion report to retrieve your completed packages and download them individually. Another option would be to setup a callback listener and listen for the "PACKAGE_COMPLETE" event, and download your packages as they become completed.
Haris Haidary OneSpan Technical Consultant

harishkonda | Posts: 26

Reply to: Download documents for multiple packages

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Haris, Thanks a lot for clarifying the options. I would like to ask another question with regard to same. Apart from REST API for the eSignlive product, if at all if we need documents for one or more packages, do we have any other possible solution? I am looking to extract multiple package documents from eSign and store it in diff system.

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Download documents for multiple packages

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Harish, There isn't a way to retrieve your packages in a single zip file. You will have to download them individually, zip them yourself and store it in a location of choice.
Haris Haidary OneSpan Technical Consultant

harishkonda | Posts: 26

Reply to: Download documents for multiple packages

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Haris, Just to make sure before we rule out all the options, i want to make sure once more. Not only using REST API, but the product itself dont have such option?

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Download documents for multiple packages

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Haris Haidary OneSpan Technical Consultant

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