kevinshannon | Posts: 3

Two-way SSL configuration enhancement in Java SDK

0 votes
Hello, Due to the security requirements of my company, we are required to use two-way SSL to communicate with eSignLive via API. Using the open Java SDK code posted in Github, it was easy to enhance com.silanis.esl.sdk.EslClient within my company to accomplish this. I enhanced the EslClient to take in an optional parameter which has configuration information needed for two way SSL. Also, the com.silanis.esl.sdk.internal.RestClient would be enhanced so if configuration information is provided, then it is used in the and ultimately in the creation of the org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient. Would you consider adding this enhancement to the provided SDK so that my company doesn't need to maintain a copy of your SDK? Thanks! kevin

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Two-way SSL configuration enhancement in Java SDK

0 votes
Hi Kevin, I moved your post to the Enhancement Ideas forum. I will forward your request to our Product Management team where they will evaluate your request. It usually takes about a week to determine if your enhancement request becomes a candidate for our roadmap. From there, all candidate enhancement requests are reviewed on a quarterly basis to determine which ones will go on the roadmap. Edit: I will post back here for any updates.

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Two-way SSL configuration enhancement in Java SDK

0 votes
It seems that this enhancement request is already a candidate in our system. I will post back here when this feature goes on our roadmap.

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