cindy | Posts: 380

opt out email

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Hi, there are 2 questions want to ask: 1) when client click the opt out button in the signing ceremony, it redirect to login page, is it could be configured somewhere? 2) in the default email, it only showed the signer with email address, but not Signer's name, is it possible to update the email template to have signer's name? I attached the sample email I received. Thanks, Cindy

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Cindy, As per your two questions: (1) the page was redirected to the handover URL, it's a package level setting, kindly check this guide and search by "Hand-over link". To modify at the account level, you can change the "packageSettings" resource through backoffice. (2) If you check the email.opt.out template in this documentation, there're no placeholder like $recipient_name, so it's not feasible to display signer's name in this email, for the time being. This has already been raised as an Enhancement Request(ER-1690), asking to add the signer name as a placeholder. And the ER is currently considered as a candidate. Duo

cindy | Posts: 380

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Hi Duo, thanks for quick response. regarding #1, it should be like this? "ceremony" : { "handOver" : { "href" : "", }, } another general question, when I looked at email guide, the place holder for $recipient_name means signer, doesn't it? if email body like 'hi Recipient', then email 'to' field should be recipient, correct? if email body like 'hi $PACKAGE_OWNER_NAME;' the 'to' should be package owner? thanks, Cindy

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Cindy, I've tried this payload and it works at my side:
  "settings": {
    "ceremony": {
      "handOver": {
        "href": ""
For the second question, yes, the "to" person was covered in the description of a particular template like: "This template sends an email to a transaction's owner to notify them that all signers have completed the signing process." Or you can check from the backoffice: (1)go to any account's detail page (2)Click "Email Templates" section, at the bottom of the detail page (3)add a new customized template, and choose the template name from the dropdown list (4)you will find the "to" person from the JSON, described by a placeholder like $RECIPIENT_EMAIL or $PACKAGE_OWNER_EMAIL Duo

cindy | Posts: 380

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got it. thanks Cindy

cindy | Posts: 380

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Hi Duo, also I found different behavior when user click the decline or opt-out button from mobile, it will redirect to 'thank you' page, isn't it? Cindy

cindy | Posts: 380

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Hi Duo, I tried in our on-prem version of v7.2 in the pacakge.settings, I put as the following, but it doesn't work for me, still go to login page. { "ceremony": { "handOver": { "href": "" }, "layout": { "header": { "feedback": true, "titleBar": null, "breadcrumbs": true, "globalActions": { "confirm": true, "download": true, "hideEvidenceSummary": false, "saveAsLayout": true }, "globalNavigation": true, "sessionBar": true }, "footer": null, "brandingBar": null, "iframe": false, "navigator": true }, "events": { "complete": { "redirect": "url", "dialog": false } }, "enforceCaptureSignature": false, "extractAcroFields": false, "extractTextTags": false, "ada": false, "inPerson": false, "declineReasons": [], "declineButton": true, "disableDeclineOther": false, "disableDownloadForUncompletedPackage": false, "disableFirstInPersonAffidavit": false, "disableInPersonAffidavit": false, "disableOptOutOther": false, "disableSecondInPersonAffidavit": false, "documentToolbarOptions": null, "handOver": null, "hideCaptureText": false, "hideLanguageDropdown": false, "hidePackageOwnerInPerson": false, "hideWatermark": true, "maxAuthFailsAllowed": 3, "optOutButton": true, "optOutReasons": [], "style": null } }

cindy | Posts: 380

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one more finding, when I click the 'Go to Transaction' button inside of opt-out email, I got page 404 error Request URL similar to this: Not sure this is our setting or as per design. what's the expected result? Cindy

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Cindy, For your account level package settings, there're two "handOver" included in the JSON: one with correct href and another one with null. Also, please create a new package in order to let the new default settings take effect. Duo

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Cindy, For the link contained in the "opt-out email", in SaaS environment, the link resembles as "" Cause there's no authentication cookie, the page will be redirected to "" Once you logged in, the web portal will relocate to the package detail page. In your case, I noticed there's a "/nsui/" in your URL, if I removed it, the behavior should be the same as in SaaS. Duo

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Regarding to the behavior when "decline or opt-out button from mobile": (1) It's the same behavior as in SaaS: instead of redirecting to the handover URL, the page jumps to a Thank you page. (2) As we discussed before, the Thank you page in Mobile Signing Ceremony (MSC) can't be removed. Similar to a normal package complete scenario, I assumed that the current MSC code won't take the "handover" from package JSON and redirect the page, therefore may need some code changes in the MSC source code. (3) Just for your information that when the New Signer Experience was added to the on-prem deployment(it's already in SaaS since 11.30), because it's developed in a way that is responsible to all devices and shared the same logic as desktop experience, so these inconsistency won't be there. Duo

cindy | Posts: 380

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thanks for the information. so in the SaaS, when 'thank you' page enabled, it will redirect to thank you page first. if 'thank you' page disabled, it will redirect to handOver URL, is it correct? Happy Holiday! Cindy

cindy | Posts: 380

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I noticed that as well. with /nsui/, it go to new sender UI which we are not installed in the on-prem yet. I am wondering why the button will generate the link with /nsui/, is it possible to remove it from generation?

cindy | Posts: 380

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basically, how '$LINK_URL" is generated in OneSpan, is it possible to remove /nsui/

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Cindy, Without checking the source code, I assumed that the URL was generated somewhere at the code, you can talk to our professional service team about it. Some supplementary information on this topic: You may also want to set the "text" attribute for the handover:
  "settings": {
    "ceremony": {
      "handOver": {
        "href": "",
        "text": "My Exit Label"
At the Thank you dialog page, it's displayed as the button label: If you disabled the thank you dialog, the hyper link appears at the tool bar: If you left the "text" attribute empty at account level and didn't specify at package JSON, the button label might be empty. (At least i see it empty at SaaS env) Duo

cindy | Posts: 380

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my point is when 'thank you' dialog is disabled, and user click the 'decline' button from desktop, it will redirect to handOver URL, isn't it? if so, where the handOver text placed? my current behavior is when user click 'decline' button, it redirect to login page. I want to change the behavior to redirect to "" instead, how to apply it? Cindy

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Cindy, Yes, the page is supposed to be redirected to the handover URL directly, no matter whether you've enabled the thank you dialog. If it doesn't work as expected, can you share the package JSON with me? Duo

cindy | Posts: 380

Reply to: opt out email

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Hi Duo, I put the below package.settings in the account configuration, and direct page is working. but I found another issue, we supposed to disable 'thank you' dialog in both mobile and desktop, by applying this setting, 'thank you' dialog is enabled in mobile device, and still disabled in the desktop version which our expected. In the mobile device, in the 'thank you' dialog, it says, click on 'close' below. but in the whole screen, we couldn't find 'close', it only have 'continue' any idea? { "ceremony": { "layout": { "header": { "feedback": true, "titleBar": null, "breadcrumbs": true, "globalActions": { "confirm": true, "download": true, "hideEvidenceSummary": false, "saveAsLayout": true }, "globalNavigation": true, "sessionBar": true }, "footer": null, "brandingBar": null, "iframe": false, "navigator": true }, "events": { "complete": { "redirect": "url", "dialog": false } }, "enforceCaptureSignature": false, "extractAcroFields": false, "extractTextTags": false, "ada": false, "inPerson": false, "declineReasons": [], "declineButton": true, "disableDeclineOther": false, "disableDownloadForUncompletedPackage": false, "disableFirstInPersonAffidavit": false, "disableInPersonAffidavit": false, "disableOptOutOther": false, "disableSecondInPersonAffidavit": false, "documentToolbarOptions": null, "handOver": { "href": "" }, "hideCaptureText": false, "hideLanguageDropdown": false, "hidePackageOwnerInPerson": false, "hideWatermark": true, "maxAuthFailsAllowed": 3, "optOutButton": true, "optOutReasons": [], "style": null } }

cindy | Posts: 380

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Hi Duo, one more thing i'd like to know, in our scenario, if 'thank you' dialog is disabled in the account level, and no handOver URL is set, which page will go after user clicks 'decline' button in mobile device? is there any default setting or hard coded in the code? thanks, Cindy

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Cindy, Happy New Year! For the first question "In the mobile device, in the ‘thank you’ dialog, it says, click on ‘close’ below. but in the whole screen, we couldn’t find ‘close’, it only have ‘continue’", the label of the button was determined by the "text" of the handover, as I suggested previously, you may also want to set up it at the account level settings:
  "settings": {
    "ceremony": {
      "handOver": {
        "href": "",
        "text": "Close"

cindy | Posts: 380

Reply to: opt out email

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I see. I will try it. why 'thank you' dialog is disabled in the account level, by setting handOver URL, and suddenly it's enabled in the mobile signing, but not desktop signing.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi Cindy, For the second question: "no handOver URL is set, which page will go after user clicks ‘decline’ button in mobile device? is there any default setting or hard coded in the code?" If no handOver url was specified, the page will be redirected to a template page resembles like below: It's determined by the front end logic. (decline.js, line 88 - 91, so as opt-out) So we are talking about your customized front end, it's possible by adjusting the code. Duo

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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About why mobile signing ceremony won't take the thank you dialog on/off into consideration, we may have already discussed about it: there's no logic in the front end code taking the setting (from my understanding, it's document.js, line 485 - 487), the only action is to pop up the modal page, therefore you've always seen the thank you modal. Duo

cindy | Posts: 380

Reply to: opt out email

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i see. we are testing in OOTB msc now, not customized one. for desktop version, if 'thank you dialog' is disabled, and Handover URL is not set, after click 'opt-out' button, where does it go? thanks, Cindy

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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In desktop experience, if thank you dialog was removed and there's no handover URL specified, the page will remain the same after signing completed, and there's no handover URL displayed in the tool bar. (no option to redirect, in this case) Duo

cindy | Posts: 380

Reply to: opt out email

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but in my case, without handOver URL, and 'thank you' dialog disabled, in the desktop, it's redirect to login page.

cindy | Posts: 380

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Hi Duo,

Recently, I tested as the package owner to receive the decline email when the signer declined the package, and it seems the package owner is always receive English locale email, even I changed the package owner account locale to French or package change to French, still getting English email. so in which scenario the package owner will receive the French one?



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