asantanella | Posts: 1

Having One Signer Sign Twice in the Signing Order

1 votes
I was wondering if there was any way to have a signer sign twice in the signing order. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do... I work at a university and we want to put our faculty evaluations in eSignLive. So first the faculty member will fill out the evaluation with a self-evaluation of their performance and sign it. Then it would go to the program director who would review their evaluation, provide their own feedback of how they believe they have performed and sign it. This would then send it back to the faculty member to review the comments and provide their final signature which would trigger a copy of the completed evaluation to HR. Is this something that is possible? When I have tried to set this up as a template it says that I can't use the same email address as a recipient twice.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Having One Signer Sign Twice in the Signing Order

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Hi asantanella, If you are integrated, there would be few workarounds for this workflow: #1. remove the email notification and instead, you handle all the email distribution yourself. So in this case, you can use dummy email addresses for all your four roles: signer1, signer2, signer1-2, hr when creating package. #2. still use OneSpan Sign email notification, but remove automatically-sent email invitations, instead, you triggered them yourself . First give signer1-2 a dummy email address, when signer1-2 was about to sign, you change signer1's email to a dummy one and correct signer1-2's email #3. when signer1 and signer2 completed, you upload another document and only signer1 has signatures on that (because you can't modify a document once it's partially signed) If you are non-integrated, there's already some Enhancement Requests asking for Allowing Multiple signers using one e-mail address, but there's not yet detailed ETA for this feature. I can fill in another ER on behalf of you for this feature if you wanted. Hope this could help! Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

david.walker | Posts: 33

Reply to: Having One Signer Sign Twice in the Signing Order

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Hi, I really need this feature for a template I am trying to create where signer1 signs the first document, signer2 signs the second document, and then signer1 signs the third document. The documents have to be signed in this order. Is there an ETA for when this feature will be available, or a non-integrated workaround? Thanks, David

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi David,


There are several existing Enhancement Requests asking for "Allow same signer to participate in a workflow twice". However, this feature seems still not on the roadmap. I could definitely vote for your organization on this feature and update this thread once there's any updates.

On top of that, just for your reference, OneSpan Sign now supports "signers with different names can share the same email". So technically, if you specify signer1 with different names, it's possible to have the same emails sign twice in a workflow. 



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

david.walker | Posts: 33

Reply to: Having One Signer Sign Twice in the Signing Order

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Thanks. I will set up the template so that signer1 signs the first document, signer2 signs the second document, and signer3 signs the third document, but I will specify that signer1 and signer3 are really the same person and should use the same email address, and I will instruct this person not to use their middle initial for signer1 and to always use their middle initial for signer3.


todd.grieshop | Posts: 1

Reply to: Having One Signer Sign Twice in the Signing Order

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I am just getting started with the .NET SDK and also have a requirement for "Allowing the same signer to participate in a workflow twice".  

Changing the signer's first or last name is not an option for us.

Is there an update on this feature request?  

Thank You

Gabriel.Cloutier | Posts: 20

Reply to: Having One Signer Sign Twice in the Signing Order

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Hi Bryan,
Since July 2023, with OneSpan Sign 23.R3 (11.52), you can change the BackOffice settings to allow the same signer to participate in a workflow twice (same name AND same email). You can see the release note here:,behavior%22%20is%20restored.

Gabriel Cloutier

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