DCorey | Posts: 8

Download jpegs of Validation Failed applications

0 votes


When we run {{baseUrl}}/api/transaction/{{transactionID}}/verification and get the reasons for failure, there are the URLs in the response that point to the jpegs of the submitted ID and selfies. Is there a way for us to download these?  The URL begins like below


And if so will our current whitelisted baseUrl cover this? It begins as follows 


Any advice appreciated!

Approved Answer
will.lasala@on… | Posts: 16

Reply to: Download jpegs of Validation Failed applications

0 votes

Hi Diarmuid,

Currently our system does not provide a way to capture the failed transaction artifacts, this is currently on our engineering roadmap and we expect the feature soon.  You can download the successful transactions artifacts in both the verification summary and transaction audit APIs.

The "sfs" URLs are currently not accessible outside of the internal systems, they can not be accessed via a URL at this time.


shawnkuhn | Posts: 2

Reply to: Download jpegs of Validation Failed applications

0 votes

Hi Diarmuid,

Currently our system does not provide a way to capture the failed transaction artifacts, this is currently on our engineering roadmap and we expect the feature soon.  You can download the successful transactions artifacts in both the verification summary and transaction audit APIs.

The "sfs" URLs are currently not accessible outside of the internal systems, they can not be accessed via a URL at this time.


Thanks for your answer. This is what I am looking for.

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