Application error reports

Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon provides a built-in error handler that automatically creates a memory dump when a middleware or application module terminates unexpectedly. You can check at any time whether application errors occurred. Pending error reports are available via the Error Reports tab.

View application error reports

To view error reports

  1. Open Troubleshooting and Diagnostics and switch to the Error Reports tab.
  2. If error reports are available, click View.

    The Error Report List dialog is displayed.

  3. Choose how to proceed with the available reports:
    • Create error reports and save them to disk.
    • Discard error reports.

Error report data is usually handled using Windows Error Reporting (WER). In some cases when WER is not available and you need to contact OneSpan support, you may be required to explicitly save and submit an error report.

To save an error report to disk

  1. Select the relevant error report in the Error Report list.
  2. Click Save report.

    You can save the error report for archiving purposes or to send it to your support contact, if required.

    If you enable Include system information in report, Diagnostics collects information about system configuration that may help you identify issues.

    Error reports contain a small portion of the contents of your machine's memory and some system information data necessary to examine potential issues. All collected data in error reports is encrypted and does not contain sensitive data such as PIN codes.

    OneSpan will not track the error reports back to you personally and treats this information confidential. Only individuals actively working on fixing problems have access to the information.

    Error report data is used to find and fix problems in the software you use. It is not used for marketing purposes!

To discard an error report

  1. Select the relevant error report in the Error Report list.
  2. Click Discard.

Additional considerations

  • Error reports remain in the list until you explicitly discard them.