gneil90 | Posts: 1

Android sdk. When?

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Are there any plans to provide an android example sdk? We are eagerly wating

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Android sdk. When?

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And Android App and an Android SDK are definitely on the road map. I don't know if there is a solid date for it that I can say publicly. I will have to check on that and let you know.

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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Moran | Posts: 3

Reply to: Android sdk. When?

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Hello GNeil09, We have just released an Android SDK that supports the signing ceremony. If you create transactions online and you only need for users to sign on their mobile devices this would meet that need. We are aiming for early January 2017 to have a fully supported Android SDK for the sender and signer functionality. This SDK meets the needs of users who require to create new transactions from the SDK within their mobile application. And of course you can also sign. If you have any questions please let us know. Thank you - Carolyne Moran

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