Why is my confirm button disabled, after I accept the signature the confirm button won't let me click.
May 14Created
May 14Last Updated
4 years agoLast Reply
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776
Reply to: Confirm Button Disabled
Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 03:25pm
Hi cbowsher,
The reason could vary, one of them top of my head is that you still have signatures unsigned. In extreme scenarios, if you have two signatures overlapped, or a signature with (0,0) size, it could cause this issue. Could you share the package ID and the environment so that I can preliminarily check for you?
I confirmed with support team and they told me that a FedRAMP package ID should just look like the regular one, like below -- 28 digits end with equal mark:
So could you directly share the URL during the signing ceremony?
Reply to: Confirm Button Disabled
Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 03:25pmHi cbowsher,
The reason could vary, one of them top of my head is that you still have signatures unsigned. In extreme scenarios, if you have two signatures overlapped, or a signature with (0,0) size, it could cause this issue. Could you share the package ID and the environment so that I can preliminarily check for you?
Reply to: Hi cbowsher, The reason…
Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 03:31pma3Mt00000008A4l
We are in the the government environment
Reply to: Confirm Button Disabled
Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 03:48pmHi cbowsher,
I confirmed with support team and they told me that a FedRAMP package ID should just look like the regular one, like below -- 28 digits end with equal mark:
So could you directly share the URL during the signing ceremony?