subashpoudel | Posts: 2

Is drafts fetching feature supported in android SDK?

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Hi, We have a slight change in our requirement regarding drafts feature in eSignLive. I was unable to find any way to access drafts using the eSignLive android sdk making me believe that it is not supported currently. Currently I have following questions: 1. Is drafts fetching feature available in android sdk? 2. If yes, how can we access drafts as I am unable to find it in the sdk 3. Can android sdk create a transaction using the drafts created from eSignLive api? 4. Can drafts be cached for offline use. Thank You

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Is drafts fetching feature supported in android SDK?

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Hi subashpoudel, If you look at the documentation provided with the android SDK, in the ESignLive class more specifically, there is a method called getTransactionList(Transaction.TransactionFilter transactionFilter, int startIndex, int numberOfTransactions, TransactionListListener listener).

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