Getting DocumentId & PackageId
Monday, November 4, 2019 at 10:14amHello,
In the didSynchronizeTransaction protocol, we get a guid representing a signing ceremony id. My backend team need a DocumentID AND a PackageID. Is it possible to get these informations in the callbacks of the protocols? If so, which one ?
Thank you
Reply to: Getting DocumentId & PackageId
Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 03:52amaDict["guid"]
, it should look like this format "kAlVeXCQK3ut0EEtkGvWagf8WGQ=" However, in iOS SDK modeling, there's no document ID: if you checked "ESDocument.h" file, you'll find there's no such an attribute, which means, all the document IDs were generated at OneSpan Sign server's side. You have to make an extra call grabbing this information from OSS server, either at the mobile app side or at your backend side. If pulling from mobile app side, document ID won't be returned with the built-in function "transactionWithGUID" (I assume the reason is that there's no document ID concept in iOS SDK as I mentioned above): So the only way is to create a custom function invoking below API call, and loop through the "documents" array in response JSON: Or you can have your backend team implement this function at the backend, since the document ID was created at OSS server-side, both of the solutions have to make an extra call. DuoDuo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer