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I am attmepting to use a VisualForce page that was created as the template for the signing document. I added the text tags: {{esl:SellerSign1:Signature1,size(80,20)}}

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hello there, I set up with salesforce sandbox. Using Apex sdk I am able to create package and sign it, but when other users from salesforce try to use apex sdk code they can create package in esignlive but they…
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I am having trouble replacing the "Placeholder" signers for the template created. I have 2 signers setup as placeholders ('Signer1'). 

        //Build actual Role in replacement of placeholder

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We're using OneSpanSDK to generate e-signatures for clients, we're maybe generating ~800 per day. Every now and again a client will receive an

Unauthorized Access
Failed to validate token.

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I have downloaded the Apex SDK from GitHub that created bunch if apex class in the org and main SDK class named as OneSpanSDK. However, all of the example I see in the onespan community refers to EsignLiveSDK. Is there any difference…

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When I look in the browser console I see this error : Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway) Incomplete response received from the application

Incomplete response received…

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We noticed this morning that when a packageID contains _x something in the Apex SDK is removing it from the string.  We are passing in:

packageId = '6h_xtu2OH3w-7q9B1Xww0ztuIm0="