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Hello I created a package but removed the Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent. So I have a package with just one document. But when I try to sign it using the api call /packages/package_id/documents/signed_documents, I am not…
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Hello, I am trying to fill PDF form and upload and then change status to SENT to publish it. But Status SENT is not working. I am facing issue with that. It give error "The requested URL returned error: 400 Bad Request". I am able to fill…
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I am tryng to change my working code from uploading a single PDF containing a "stage" of forms to upload each form selected from the "stage" as a PDF. Many of the stages select forms which do not contain signatures, so I am not getting any…
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Hello, I have added signer SMS verification before sign of document. It show SMS sent. but user don't receive any SMS. even if user request SMS while sign, it say SMS sent successfully, but don't get any SMS. Here is the code. There is…
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Guys, I cannot seem to find documentation on how to create radio buttons and groups. Do you guys have any examples or documentation that you can point me to?
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Hi, we create a package through REST call( and upload the files to them incrementally with separate REST calls({packageId}/documents). Here are my…
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Guys - Is there an API call where I can return the document list by signer? I know I can get this information just by doing a GET to the package but that also brings back more than what I need. I can also do the DocumentVisibility API…
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Hi ,

I see there is an api to get the status for a package or a transaction . In same way can we able to get he status for the document and signer level.



Naresh S 

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Hi ,

Signer has to input group of numbers together say SSN . How we design that , is there any specific input type available for this ?

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Is it possible to inject the values using field names rather than ID , since its becoming very difficult to send values using id because if we have four environments each time its very difficult to inject values…

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I have created 5 checkbox , how to validate atleast one has been checked .

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Getting the below error for the url path- ,

ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1130…

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We are using the completion report API to retrieve the completed transactions from all senders.  Using this (/api/reports/completion?status=COMPLETED&from=2020-03-01&to=2020-05-13), service did not return all of…

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I am trying to create a package and upload a document but I only get the error message "Number of uploaded files does not match number of documents specified in package."  I have looked through the API and other posts about this…

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This API call requires {senderId} but when I use my "name" or "email" it does not work, nor does it work for any other value I could think of to try. The documentations says "The unique sender id" but what is that value? where does it…

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    "results": [],<…

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Getting the following error when I try and create packages in my sandbox:

Could not create a new package Exception: HTTP POST on URI resulted in response with status code: [400, Bad…

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Returns set of delegationEvents with EventID(?) arrays that contain 4 items below:

eventDate, eventType, eventDescription and eventUser

EventID example-> 699AK8PzZMg0

a) can you confirm this is not a…

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In the Canadian Sandbox, I notice an issue with the signing ceremony when a transaction is edited to have 2 signers with the same email.

1. Create transaction with 2 signers , different email through SDK

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I need to identifying packages created via Bulk Send operations.  I see in Package data there is a Boolean field called "bulkSendable". If this is 'true' was the Package created via Bulk Send? If not this field, what other field…

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We recently put in place a listener that is supposed to pull all completed documents as you would expect. The customer is reporting that there are a large number of documents that didn't get pulled from the OSS cloud. They all were…

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Hi there; my understanding has been there are 7 status's (Draft, In Progress[sent], Completed, Opted out, Declined, Archived and Trashed)

Does "Expired" count as a status? ( it's not included on OneSpan Account Summary report …

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Hello, I was using OneSpan app report "Account Summary Report" the only report available from top level "Reports" drop down.

The person I looked at had 1 x Draft +  1 x In Progress + 11 Complete for total of 13 Pkgs.

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We are getting an intermittent service connection error when generating tokens,  do you have any ideas what would cause this issue?

Please refer the following Log details for the error:<…

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can you please help with Signer Authentication REST API code

