oscar.castillo | Posts: 18

Push Notification Configuration

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I am testing out Rest API throug Sandbox,  For this i configured the push notifications using the web API Key, acordingly to the guide "Building Orchestration app for Android.pdf" but when I consume the Service ​/users​/{userID@domain}​/transactions​/validate. The response i get is "status": 409, "error": "Conflict", "message": "Push notification delivery failed"

I also tried using the Database Secret when i watched a video explaining the notification configuration on sandbox but the response was the same.

If i use server key from cloud message tab, the field in the sandbox have diferent lenght and the key does not fit in the field.

¿What  i am doing wrong? ¿There is some step that i have missed?


Hakim Aldaoub | Posts: 54

Reply to: Push Notification Configuration

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Hi Oscar, 

I could not locate the "Building Orchestration app for Android.pdf" that you mentioned.  Could you please refer me to the file in order to be able to assist you through it?

Thank you,


Hakim Aldaoub | Posts: 54

Reply to: Push Notification Configuration

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Hi Oscar, 

It seems that the token for the cloud messaging has a new format with different length, which has not yet be adopted by our server.

Thank you!



Lexie | Posts: 1

Reply to: Push Notification Configuration

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The Push Notification Service:

  1. Receives an Event Notification (callback) from OneSpan Sign every time the status of an e-signature process changes; 
  2. Transmits that information to the relevant connector

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