agahlaut | Posts: 1

Unable to scan CRONTO image

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We are researching on Onespan Cloud Authentication product, so we are utilizing sandbox API's for User creation and assign authenticator to created user and once we are able to generate the CRONTO image with activationMessge. While we are scanning the generated CRONTO image (generated by Visual API) with the help of generic Onespan Authenticator application available on google play store. It says "Failed to activate". We need to know is there any other app for scanning sandbox generated CRONTO image. Or what is the correct flow so that we can able to genetrate OTP's for any user authenticator.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Unable to scan CRONTO image

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Hi Anurag,


Thanks for your post!

From what I learned about OCA, I doubt the OneSpan Authenticator application v4.0.1 you downloaded from app store supports OCA user registration.

Please kindly consult your sales representative and request for a Demo Application that works with sandbox OCA activation flow.



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