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OneSpan Sign
1 day 9 hours ago


OneSpan Sign
1 week ago

When the document is pushed to eOriginal, the contract is returned with a watermark "Non-Authoriative". I wish to update this watermark to "Copy of Original". Is this possible?

Mobile Security Suite
2 weeks 3 days ago

I am currently updating the orchestation SDK to version 5.10.0 all works just fine but when I apply Shielding to my APP ( Shielding version 7.0.0) when I try to Activate the seed I get this error:

Latest Code Share

Mobile Security Suite
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This download contains the hotfix (Strongbox fix) for Orchestration SDK 5.10.1 (Mobile Security Suite).
  • SDK
  • Orchestration
  • MSS
OneSpan Sign
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OSSToolkit, a tool designed to update the signing order in OneSpan Sign packages. Future updates will extend its capabilities, addressing additional functionalities currently missing in the SenderUI.
  • community tool
  • signing order
  • sender UI
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Source Code of Template & Layout Copy Tool

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