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OneSpan Sign
10 hours 53 minutes ago

We are creating one package with 2 documents and multiple signers and we want to limit the documents that each signer can view.

OneSpan Sign
11 hours ago

We noticed an issue with one of our forms where the signer has to sign on page 1 and page 2.  If the user signs page 1 first and page 2 second, they are able to complete the signing ceremony.

Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
13 hours 43 minutes ago

Hi everyone,

Latest Code Share

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Source Code of Template & Layout Copy Tool
Mobile Security Suite
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This download contains the assortment of SDKs provided as part of the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite.
  • SDK
  • Orchestration
  • Image Generator
  • Image Scanner
  • notification
  • Utilities
Mobile Security Suite
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This ZIP file contains the OneSpan Mobile Authenticator ES APK file version 4.30.5 for Android.
  • Mobile Authenticator ES
  • APK file

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