14 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
I need to create a application which would allow the user to pass the text anchor position in String format.
I understand that TextAnchorPOsition is of type enum.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are using SignatureBuilder.captureFor() to ask for a handwritten signature, but after the expected user signs, not only the handwritten signature drawn shows up, but also the full name appears, it seems the full name signature comes upon anyway by default.
Is it possible to show the h
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am trying to use the mobileCapture feature - when I open the document on a PC and click on the "Sign with Mobile Device" button - I get a message that "the requested feature is not available with the current license"
Also i am unable to use the Position Anchors with the mobileCapture using the c
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am seeing a possible bug where I am creating a package with 1 document, 1 signer, and 1 signature.
When creating the package, I give the signature a unique name using the .WithName(string signatureName) method.
Then, when I use the eSignLive client to retrieve the documentPackage, the