90 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to create a new user in eSL using SDK's or Rest API's?
I understand that .inviteUser() is one of the option to create a new user, but that would mean that the user has to actually go through the email and perform the 'Account Registration' step.
Is it possible to bypass that step
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OneSpan Sign
I am the sender, and i want to receive the email when I click ‘forgot your password’ link in the login page.
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OneSpan Sign
Retrieve a List of Users in an Account
When performing GET the response contains the correct count of senders in my Account but it is only returning 1 sender in the results but shoul
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OneSpan Sign
Please note that we are currently using .NET SDK to integrate with OneSpan and need to load layouts for sender accounts. Each sender is identified by their email address.
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OneSpan Sign
In my CA sandbox account '[email protected]', I found the link for "view completed documents' button, the link is "https://sandbox.e-signlive.ca/sso/saml/login/alias/e-signlive?idp=xxxxx&RelayState=xxx"
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OneSpan Sign
Could auto email reminder configure at account level? if yes, could you please show how to configure it?
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OneSpan Sign
This API call requires {senderId} but when I use my "name" or "email" it does not work, nor does it work for any other value I could think of to try. The documentations says "The unique sender id" but what is that value? where does it come from? where is it on a screen?
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OneSpan Sign
I found the 'search' function is in different place when user login the account. I assume this's account setting different, if so, could you please let me know what setting is impacting the behavior?
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OneSpan Sign
What is the recommended way to be able to rapidly develop and iterate on a series of forms we're using for application integration, then be able to deploy them to a production instance?
I tried the tool recommended by OneSpan's phone support at https://developer.esignlive.com/code-share/esignlive-c
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OneSpan Sign
We use subaccounts and I can use the API to create and rename them. Is there an API call to get the current email signature block and then assign a new block if needed. This is the only branding I need to do at the subaccount level because everything else is inherited from our primary