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OneSpan Sign
Hello, i'm doing a review about this link: https://www.onespan.com/blog/onespan-sign-developer-upload-signature-your-signer, to understand how to save the handdrawn signature. But in this part i do not understantd:
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OneSpan Sign
Does the handdrawn signature uploaded for a signer only display on signature tags that are 'capture signature' rather than 'click to sign,' or is it possible to use the signer's handdrawn signature for both?
When signing with handdrawn, the signer's signature appears overlap
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OneSpan Sign
Below are the step we use for hand drawn signature capture using api
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OneSpan Sign
I am having some issues when trying to add a document as binary data to a package
Our pdf's are in base64 data so we need to convert this data to binary data but we always get this error when we are trying to create new package(POST /api/packages):
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OneSpan Sign
Hi, I'm trying to follow the example https://developer.esignlive.com/guides/quick-start/creating-and-sending-a-package-rest/ however there seems to be conflicting information between the required fields listed there and the ones listed on the YAML.
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OneSpan Sign
We need to push our signed documents into an eOriginal vault. The instructions say to push it through a "data" field in the API.
Question #1: Location and Procedure
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OneSpan Sign
My company has a need to retrieve the actual signing stroke data that results from a CAPTURE type signature. It appears that this data is available already, but I cannot find documentation for the format of that data.
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OneSpan Sign
I am using the JAVA SDK to send signing co-ordinates and a base 64 document stream to eSignLive and get a signing link. The co-ordinates that I use consider top left corner as the reference origin (0,0) and calculate the signing coordinates based on that.
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to create an eSignLive package using the C# SDK.
Below is the error I get when "sending" my package.
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OneSpan Sign
I was able to sign a document when a signer is assigned to a signbox using API.
But the same users sign is not possible when the singer belongs to a group.
is there any restriction to sign via APIs for groups?
API response is 200 for both.