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OneSpan Sign
This issue popped up in the last couple of weeks in our testing Sandbox environment. We've been using Text Anchors to configure all our signatures, so we have a FULLNAME block, and a corresponding Date signed that gets auto-populated on signature.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Our team has started the integration with eSignLive REST API to create and send packages, sign the documents and get response payload from callback listener.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello, I need to send multiple documents, I saw this post: https://community.onespan.com/forum/adding-multiple-documents-meta-data And in this post it informs that it would not be possible, but it is from 2018, is there any current solution for this?
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OneSpan Sign
Does setting CeremonyLayoutSettings.IFrame to true change the signing page in any way? If not, what does it do?
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OneSpan Sign
Can I put the Opt-out button in E-signature consent page?
Please see the attached image file.
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OneSpan Sign
Where is the setting to allow external signers to have the same name and email? I cannot find it on the Account Configuration page.
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OneSpan Sign
I am using iframe to sign a document, after the sign complete, how i can forward the user to another page in my website?
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OneSpan Sign
How can we redirect the browser page to another URL , when the user clicks on optout , enters the text and then clicks on ok.
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OneSpan Sign
I have been hitting a bit of a brick wall trying to add text anchor tags to an uploaded document.
Let my explain what I have been attempting to achieve.
First I upload a document to an existing package, the package already contains a new role that I have created.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to specify the url to a custom company page which contains the iframe signing ceremony? Also, is the signer notification email message/layout to sign a document customizable?