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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to expire a signing session via the REST api.
When does the signing session expire by default. Are there any business rules for expiry ?
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OneSpan Sign
How I can get the list of documents for a certain package using rest API call
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OneSpan Sign
Hi team,
I would like to know whether we have the capability to extend the max failure time before locking a signer.
If possible, what's the REST API?
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OneSpan Sign
Can i place signature box on last page of document without mentioning page number via REST API
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OneSpan Sign
Can you please provide the URL and JSON payload for moving a package into TRASH and restoring it back (REST API).
I tried different combinations but did not work.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to customize email template variable (specifically $PACKAGE_OWNER_NAME) when we create package using `Clone` rest API ?
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OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to retrieve a single signing URL so that all signers can sign at once? Currently with the REST API call we are making, we are retrieving each signing URL based on role.
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OneSpan Sign
I want to get notify using callback, when a signer added to the document.
Can you please help me how can I achieve this.
I am using REST API, node.js
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OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to get all the signers url for signing Doc in the same response during the package creation with document binaries and signers detail using REST API.
if yes , Please provide the demo code.
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OneSpan Sign
As we know great functionality was added to the solution when the checkbox groping was created, but does it work with the REST API, how do you add the groups and conditions to it, to the call