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OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
Email failed to deliver to the Customer, but received EMAIL_BOUNCE event with message OOTO, which is incorrect in this case, it should send message as "BOUNCED" right?
Email messages after delivery fail
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OneSpan Sign
Our team has started the integration with eSignLive REST API to create and send packages, sign the documents and get response payload from callback listener.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi All,
We started implementing ESL in our company and we have two accounts, one is for production and the other used in lower environment, (dev and test), the problem is that, the sandbox cannot reach our REST service in test environment, (we did not test in production yet), it fails every time.
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OneSpan Sign
I read the following blog post:
And tried setting up reminders in my initial POST request that creates a signing package. It's not working. ESL creates the package with no error messages but the reminders never get sent.
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OneSpan Sign
Hey there,
I have a situation where I have an existing package and I'm trying to add a new document to it with text anchor fields.
The part to create the document is fine, but my issue is to add an extract anchor to it.
From what I've seen, the SDK offers the option to sdk.createDocuments(Str
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OneSpan Sign
Hi eSignLive Team,
I am working on an integration between eSign Live and Ebix Inc.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello all,
Thank you for the good forum, and your help here!
I'm trying to integrate our systems with you, and I'm sending a JSON object trying to clone a template with 1 pdf document inside, but by some reason all the fields are not listed.
First thing I've noticed is that when you create the packa
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, I recently updated the api version for Silanis.ESL.dll from 10.3 to 10.13, after doing so the code that I'm using to dynamically build the packages for getting signed no longer works.
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OneSpan Sign
New to onespan.
Below is my code to do the text anchor e-sign on my pdf