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OneSpan Sign
We know that version 11.42 will be out in SandBox on June 9, 2021 and in PROD on July 8, 2021.
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OneSpan Sign
This code seem to allow dynamic creation of a group with a custom Id. However, after the group's created, it seem to reflect a different group Id.
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OneSpan Sign
I can't seem to get the senderAuthenticationToken. I'm receiving a 415 error code, Unsupported Media Type.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi there,
We are loading our documents in an iframe and are encountering errors with client browsers that have Third-Party Cookies disabled.
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OneSpan Sign
int the call to CreatePackage when calling the eSign rest api , we get 500 error from the server.
EslServerException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. HTTP POST on
URI https://sandbox.e-signlive.ca/api/packages/o6Qqzj2LSQVcL28SnOxjUNKx-oE=/documents.
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OneSpan Sign
We are in process of changing OneSpan SDK to OneSpan REST
In SDK we are retrieving the status using GetSigningStatus(objPackageId, signerId, null) which giving us 'InActive' status as output.
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OneSpan Sign
I noticed that our callbacks were not working in the sandbox and when I logged in to take a look at the callback settings, I noticed the callback key was no longer there. I see that OAuth 2.0 was added and there is an option to select Basic which seems to be what was there before.
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OneSpan Sign
Sending a POST request to /api/callback to update the callback key, callback events and callback URL returns:
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OneSpan Sign
Looking at the iOS SDK code, i modified the obvious parameters to run the sample application.
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OneSpan Sign
Using REST API to create the package along with the documents and return a response package id. After that, we initiate a REST API signerAuthenticationToken passing packageId and email address of the signer which then redirect to an iframe to begin the signing ceremony.