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OneSpan Sign
Hi eSignLive Team,
I am working on an integration between eSign Live and Ebix Inc.
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OneSpan Sign
I am tryng to change my working code from uploading a single PDF containing a "stage" of forms to upload each form selected from the "stage" as a PDF.
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OneSpan Sign
looking at the python code, i'm trying to run one of the example application use cases. i'm simply grabbed my API key, and updated the sandbox API url parameters.
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OneSpan Sign
I have been trying to upload multiple documents with a post request to '/api/packages' (the sandbox) url and getting getting the error indicating the number of documents sent in the payload is different from what I attached,
Could have a look at the code and let me know, what I am missing?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have a requirement where I have a template with placeholders for signers. I need to create a new package from this template and replace the signer Placeholders with actual signer info.
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OneSpan Sign
I'm integrating with the e-sign live api and have had some trouble with certain pdfs causing the signing ceremony to give me a blank page. After the package is created and a url is created the window appears blank. (Even the default-consent document won't show up).
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OneSpan Sign
Hello all,
My goal is to enable an admin person to easily assist with a signature package (they will be the sender) but where the admin person is strictly the sender and will never be a signer.
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OneSpan Sign
We have been using oneSpan for around 2 years now and we weren't facing any issues with adding documents to a package but recently when we're trying to add certain pdfs, we are getting an error - "The number of Pre-Verify results does not match the number of documents that were sent for verificat
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OneSpan Sign
Here's the scenario. I have 2 Approvers (For example, Bob and Mary). Bob has just 1 signature field. Mary has a signature field and a Label. Bob signs first. Before Mary signs I programmatically update her Label field so when she goes to sign she sees the Label Value I inserted.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are trying to add signers to the package that was already sent through the API and keep getting the following exception:
com.silanis.esl.sdk.internal.EslServerException: Could not add signer.