320 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Hello all,
Thank you for the good forum, and your help here!
I'm trying to integrate our systems with you, and I'm sending a JSON object trying to clone a template with 1 pdf document inside, but by some reason all the fields are not listed.
First thing I've noticed is that when you create the packa
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello, I am implementing signature for an iOs application, I am showing with WKWebView.
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OneSpan Sign
The following code does not return the specific error message.
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OneSpan Sign
New to onespan.
Below is my code to do the text anchor e-sign on my pdf
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OneSpan Sign
I am working on a project where we will submit documents to ESign Live from our electronic document storage system. Whenever the primary application stores the documents electronically, it automatically protects the PDF document from modification with a password.
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
I'm trying to piece all of the elements together to build workflows with your APIs, but there are some gaps in my understanding that I need to fill in. The workflows I'm trying to build are Digipass Activation and Login/Challenge/Response.
Forum topic
Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
Hi All,
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Customer wanted to confirm if the class com.silanis.esl.sdk.EslClient is supposed to be thread safe?