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OneSpan Sign
thanks Haris for your input, my next step is to simulate the workflow and working on a POC using SOAPUI ( a freeware I use to test REST services ).
The workflow is straight forward:
1. Create a Package and Send the PDF . Read the Response PackageId
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to use ceremony settings in salesforce to customize various options, but they do not seem to render.
Please help me understand what i am missing. I could not find appropriate documentation for each node.
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OneSpan Sign
Until recently this worked with 1000 per page but NOW I had to do 250 to get it to work correctly, why? I tried 500 and it failed just like 1000. Are the OneSpan service side resources to consumed or what's going on that it now fails?
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to retrieve the signer authentication token to build the SignInUrl to be used in Iframe in our application, which we are working on.
I am trying to use the approach of creating SignerSession with Signer Authentication Tokens as per the below blogs
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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to send an extra document to an existing package (with no document) using the REST API endpoint /api/packages/{packageId}/documents.
Doing so returns me a "406 Not Acceptable" error, which doesn't tell me much on what is wrong.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, I recently updated the api version for Silanis.ESL.dll from 10.3 to 10.13, after doing so the code that I'm using to dynamically build the packages for getting signed no longer works.
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OneSpan Sign
We are trying to use this tool to download all the documents and test summaries of the application. However, when trying to connect through the channels offered by the system, it throws us the following error.
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to add documents to a package but unable to do so. I have tried two method:
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OneSpan Sign
contract is a class with accessible properties that have been populated by this point and is a parameter being passed into the call here.
All the text anchors have been verified in the starting doc...
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OneSpan Sign
I am running into an issue with my radio button group. I have selected one of the required options but when I try to complete signing I get an error that says "Not all approvals have been confirmed" I have attached a screenshot. Here is my JSON: