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OneSpan Sign
I am having trouble replacing the "Placeholder" signers for the template created. I have 2 signers setup as placeholders ('Signer1').
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OneSpan Sign
We need to send a document to one or more signers and then sign as a company (we are the last signer). Also, we need to write some info in the document at that moment.
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OneSpan Sign
During the development of a small PoC, we have hit an exception in one of the REST calls that we are not able to resolve. What we are trying to do is the following:
1. Clone an existing template with one document and signature configured.
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OneSpan Sign
We can verify when a signer signed all the documents as follow:
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OneSpan Sign
As part of retrieving the signatory information for a DocumentPackage we are getting Errors if a particular Signatory(part of various signatories) has not completed the signing.
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OneSpan Sign
Is onespan allowing the sender to set a custom package ID?
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OneSpan Sign
Retrieve a List of Users in an Account
When performing GET the response contains the correct count of senders in my Account but it is only returning 1 sender in the results but shoul
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OneSpan Sign
Hi, I am sending the following request: