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OneSpan Sign
Hi Team, I have a scenario where we have to sign the documents using Hardware Tokens(from INDIA, issued by eMudra). For the POC purpose, i have created a sandbox account and trying to try this on sandbox.
Unfortunately i didn't find out how to enable this feature?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi ,
I'm getting this error only on my TEST server , works fine on my local machine. Could you please advise ?
Database Exception Could not create a new package.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello Community,
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OneSpan Sign
We just started receiving this error in the sandbox environment when attempting to download signed pdfs. I don't believe anything has changed on our side for quite a while now.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is it possible for me to test digital signing (smart card using the PCC) through the SaaS sandbox web interface?
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OneSpan Sign
I want to experiment with In-Person signing in the Sandbox, is it enabled? I tried through the eSignLive UI and also through .NET, here is how I attempted to enable it in .NET, both in package creation (near top) and by Setting it again (near bottom).
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Where can I get the Static Vector for the OCA sandbox test token? When I try to use the test token Static Vector from MAS 2 step activation package, it shows error -4073 when I try to scan the activation cronto image.
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OneSpan Sign
please help us to know how we can send the template which was created in sandbox through Rest api
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OneSpan Sign
Could you please advise when the new v11.34 will be available for download from https://community.onespan.com/products/onespan-sign/sdks#eSignLive_.NET_SDKs?
my sandbox account is already at 11.34.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to looking up the documentation for the POST /api/packages call within the Interactive API Definitions page in the sandbox environment, but when I click on this method, the page displays the following error: