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OneSpan Sign
On december 1st 2017, I have submitted a Pull Request on GitHub as I wanted to have my enhancement merged into the official SDK.
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OneSpan Sign
I would like to make a suggestion to be a bit more specific in the maven artifact name of the java sdk.
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OneSpan Sign
Suddenly got these errors.
Could any tell me why?
13 Nov 2018 14:29:06,983 - ERROR - STDERR - Nov 13, 2018 2:29:06 PM com.silanis.awsng.web.rest.util.JacksonUtil deserialize
SEVERE: Failed to deserialize json string: {"messageKey":"error.validation.packageManagement.invalidState","message"
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OneSpan Sign
In the email JSON, I saw there is something as below, does it mean when recipient mail got reject, it will let the package owner know?
"bounce-to" : "$PACKAGE_OWNER_EMAIL;"
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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to understand the difference between CreatePackage and CreatePackageOneStep in the .Net SDK.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello! I also have a question regarding the JavaScript Event Notifier. In this link:
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to get a signing url for a package and get this error:
Could not get a signing url. Exception: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: . Path '', line 0, position 0. Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: .
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OneSpan Sign
Due to the security requirements of my company, we are required to use two-way SSL to communicate with eSignLive via API. Using the open Java SDK code posted in Github, it was easy to enhance com.silanis.esl.sdk.EslClient within my company to accomplish this.
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OneSpan Sign
I'm seeing some odd behavior, on my local development environment, I can create a package and delete the "default-consent" page without issue. Once I've moved this to our integration environment, this same call fails.
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OneSpan Sign
When sending some eSignLive packages (.NET SDK), here is the error message I receive for some of the packages I send (it works for others :-S)
What does it mean that my document could not be flattened ?