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OneSpan Sign
It would be extremely helpful to enhance the signing ceremony UX. Since it's the core component of an end-user, we would love to see enhancements to the UI/UX to make it a better/more intuitive experience. Below are a couple of items:
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to send multiple documents via one API call and one transaction?
This is similar to the code in the example, can I just append each file to a new form for the MultipartFormDataContent?
ByteArrayContent content = new ByteArrayContent(fileByteArray);
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have a couple of general queries regarding the movement of a transaction into "Trash" that I have been unable to find answers on.
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OneSpan Sign
So far we love the new designer ui, and realize the signer ui hasn't yet changed. I would like to see fields like the signer title, company and email be editable.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello Support,
We are using .NET sdk for designer view.
but, when user implementing designing view, every time he has to place signature on document and send e-sign email.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to build a package such that one signer would sign 2 documents. Here is an algorithm that I am looking at:
1. Use PAckageBuilder to build a package named 'OriginalPackage'
2. Add 'signer1' and 'signer2' to OriginalPackage
3. Add 'document1' and 'document2' to OriginalPackage
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
According to the comment in this thread from the REST forum, Harris indicates that ESL turned off support for TLS 1.0 this week.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi ,
I have created package and adding document from Salesforce. The document is in Spanish language.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
I have multiple pages contract which has multiple signers.
For a specific signer, i am trying to add a input text field.