65 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Can you confirm if there is a limit to how many delegates you can have.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a limit to how many signers you can add to a transaction?What about for bulk sign?
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OneSpan Sign
I'm doing some scale testing and I've noticed that I can't programmatically upload data to a textarea using REST if the data is longer than 2100 characters (approximately).
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OneSpan Sign
It appears that if our senders upload documents close to the 16mb limit then the signers sign when the sender goes to download the documents they are receiving an error (attached below) which we know is NOT a network connectivity issue.
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OneSpan Sign
What is length limitation for emailMessage for both package level and signer level in on-prem version 11.25 via JAVA SDK call? Is it 4000 characters?
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OneSpan Sign
What is the limit for the signer email field. When we are using email more than 50 characters, we are getting an error.
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OneSpan Sign
I saw the post for email Message content length limit was 1024 back in 2017, is it still true for our on-prem v11.25? if not, could you let me know the new limitation?
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OneSpan Sign
Is there any limit for emailMessage content text?
I have a script generating list of items and it can become quite long. In one testing case it was 4k characters long and I got the 500 Internal Server Error on package clone.
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OneSpan Sign
Does E-Sign have any throughput limits for volumes of transactions or web service calls an entity can make in a certain time period of time (i.e. 10,000 calls per hour)
-Nate Boettcher
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Could you please let us know what limits does esignlive put on the files being uploaded for digital signing?
- size of file in MBs
- # of pages in a given file
We've observed that we've a 2.6mb file with about 200 pages and it won't upload via the UI or via the API route.