32 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
I capture the traffic when switch signer in the signer dropdown list.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there some way that the in-person signing can take place if there is no connection available? Some of our sales people have encountered that in some areas they are trying to do a signing the connection is too slow/unstable or not able to connect at all.
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OneSpan Sign
I have been trying to wait to ask more questions and consolidate them in one post for you. Your welcome. :) Regarding the iframe/inperson signing ceremony. In the package API that we send to eSignLive to create the signing ceremony iframe, is an email address for each signer required?
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OneSpan Sign
We found that there are two ways to get signing ceremony URL for signers, and they both seem to work, but not sure which one is the right way of doing it or if one approach is preferred over the other and why.
Here is a sample code:
EslClient eslClient = new EslClient(API_KEY, API_U
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OneSpan Sign
We've discovered some behaviour that seems strange/inconsistent to our team. It may just be a case of not understanding the APIs properly, but either way hopefully you can help us out.
Our application supports both remote and in-person signing.
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OneSpan Sign
New user of OneSpan. In my job, I have to have documents signed by talent.
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to perform an in-person signing but I require to authenticate the signer. I have enabled SMS/Security Question authentication while creating the transaction. The authentication mechanisms work fine when the signing process is started from the link sent through email.
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OneSpan Sign
I want to experiment with In-Person signing in the Sandbox, is it enabled? I tried through the eSignLive UI and also through .NET, here is how I attempted to enable it in .NET, both in package creation (near top) and by Setting it again (near bottom).
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OneSpan Sign
Our customer wants to deploy an App in a tablet for having their patients signing a consent form authorizing some medical procedures. It would be an in-person signing scenario.
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OneSpan Sign
How to create In-Person signing session using REST API (not using Silanis.ESL.SDK)