121 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
I have 3 groups of signers, lets call them Group1, Group2 and Group 3
A document package is constructed in which there can be multiple documents.
Group1 and Group2 always need to sign all documents.
While Group3 only signs particular documents.
These Groups sign in order, so Group1 first, then Gro
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OneSpan Sign
Hi ,
I am able to successfully upload a single document while creating a package .
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have a need to flatten a large number of signed/locked documents. The following API call works great for one document at a time: GET /api/packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId}/pdf?flatten=true
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OneSpan Sign
I have a requirement to upload multiple documents, this has already been acomplish. However is there any way to just sign once, and this automatically signs the rest of the documents?
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OneSpan Sign
Is there an endpoint to add multiple documents to a package? The APEX SDK appears to only have a method to add one at a time. Trying to minimize callouts from SF.
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OneSpan Sign
I was exploring REST API for one of our need, where, we need to download all the documents for all packages that has been completed for a given day.
I see Reports option where you can git list of completed packages for a given day.
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OneSpan Sign
I want to sign a single document with multiple person on different postions.
Appreciate your help.
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OneSpan Sign
We got a PDF document with multiple locations where we need a signature (page , x and y locations are already know)
But we would like to have a single button option, like with the option Position Extracted.
Is this even possible?
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OneSpan Sign
We've a scenario where there is a standard form that has been filled out by multiple people and it needs to be signed by a single person.
We've created a document layout for the form but is there a way from the eSL UI to apply the layout to all the documents that were uploaded to the package?
If no