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Hi.  Can you tell me if it is possible to change a template document name for a new transaction, and if so how this can be done?



Regarding using FieldBuilder for text field extraction for the creation of inputs from PDF forms...

Replies Created

Reply to: Extracted Field Formatting

0 votes

Thanks for #2.

For #1 and #3, yes this is something that we would like to see if possible as it would improve our clients' signing experiences.


Reply to: Create a transaction from template + update fields

0 votes

Would you be able to provide an example using the .NET SDK?  What I see within that SDK does not completely line up with what you have shown.  E.g. I do not see a ModifySignature method.



Reply to: Create a transaction from template + update fields

0 votes

I can figure out the signature ID that I need right now by checking it in my code at a breakpoint, but this isn't the ideal way to figure out what it is.  Neither is checking with the support team each time.  So yes, we would appreciate a support ticket for this as we'll require a long term solution where we can determine things via the OneSpan GUI.  Thanks, Steve


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4 2 years 9 months ago 54
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

Hi.  Can you tell me if it is possible to change a template document name for a new transaction, and if so how this can be done?


2 3 years 2 months ago 30
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
4 3 years 4 months ago 114
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang


Regarding using FieldBuilder for text field extraction for the creation of inputs from PDF forms...

2 3 years 4 months ago 50
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
2 3 years 4 months ago 49
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

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