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Hello Duo, 

Here is our use case scenario: 

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Reply to: Text Field

0 votes

Also ,we are looking to prepopulate the custom field with the database from our system after the auction finishes. My question is whenever we prepopulate the data to the custom field and send it to the transaction. the default value of the custom field will change and the other agent when draging and dropping the custom field, they will see the previous value. 

What we want is everytime the custom field is draged and dropped, it should have no value at all so that the value is taken from the database and send it to sign. Is this possible, please let us know. 

Reply to: Text Field

0 votes

Hello Duo, 


Thanks for your reply. We will have a lot of agents as a sender and we want them to use the custom field for their convenience., our business requirement is have a empty custom field everytime agent drags and drops and then prepopulate this value from database and send to sign. Yes, I have found that the text field can be modified by their id's or name but for this the agent have to manually type field name everytime, this is not what we want. 


We are looking for a solution where, the custom field value is empty and it gets updated through database value for that transaction and in the same time if another agent uses the system, they should be able to use the custom field with empty value. How can this be achieved through onespan api ? Is there a way to duplicate the same custom field so that the old value won't come when dragging and dropping. 

We are in the mid way of implementing onespan in our system, please help us to find a solution for this scenario. 


Reply to: Text Field

0 votes

Hello Duo, 

Can you send me the example of such request with the payload. We are based in Australia, if you can response today would be great otherwise I have to wait a day for your response due to time difference. I hope you understand our situation 

Reply to: Text Field

0 votes

Thank you Duo, you are awesome. It solved my problem 

Reply to: Text Field

1 votes

Thank you Duo for your help. It is working perfectly now. 


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Hello Duo, 

Here is our use case scenario: 

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