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I am working on cpq,and my requirement is to use quote fields in one span document so please help me to get it.

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Reply to: Getting Issue with merging fields on document

0 votes

Thank you Duo_Liang

can you please provide detailed guide,how that code can be execuited in salesforce, and where that will be mapped in template on in transaction beacuse my requirement is i am automating all process providing document directly from salesforce and creating transaction.


Reply to: Getting Issue with merging fields on document

0 votes

We are using button and passing data to parameter that you are provided /apex/esl__package?ParentId={!Account.Id}&Name={!Account.Name}%20Agreement&TemplateID=a0G360000018BdREAU


is there any other way to create transaction via apex or any else.

Also also we found apex SDK on OneSpan documentation if we are not getting that how we can use it if you can provide detail steps to create transaction via apex SDK its helpful for us


Reply to: One Span Email Customisation

0 votes

Ok,So we need to modify that html code as per our requirement ans send modified code to support it correct?

and one more question--how to modify that"$EMAIL_STYLE" which is given in html code where we can find that  to edit

Reply to: One Span Email Customisation

0 votes

Thank you Duo_Liang,

Ok,So we need to modify that html code as per our requirement ans send modified code to support it correct?

can you please answer above question as well


Topics Replies Freshness Views Users
5 8 months 1 week ago 61
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang


I am working on cpq,and my requirement is to use quote fields in one span document so please help me to get it.

5 8 months 2 weeks ago 50
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Hi, We are a use case where we need to merge fields from related contact object into the document before sending it for signing. It was possible using conventions by adding a field mapping.
1 5 years 1 month ago 115
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

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