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I would like to make a suggestion to be a bit more specific in the maven artifact name of the java sdk.
Hi, What should be the http response code returned by the notification callback handler? Does esignlive care about it at all? Is 204 (NO CONTENT) ok? Thanks,
Hi, How can we hide the package owner in the drop down list of signers in the designer view (when the owner is not a signer)? Thanks,
Hello, I am trying to apply a layout that is created with PlaceHolder for signers.
Hi, Is the callback key in notifications returned as a request header? If so, what is the name of that header? Thanks,

Replies Created

Reply to: Openning signing ceremony for in-person signers

0 votes
Thanks Michael for the reply. In our case, we would like to open signing ceremony and pass the control to the signer. The second one (getSigningUrl) seems to work only for one particular signer as it doesn't allow to switch to different signer. The other two approaches allow you to switch signers on the fly. So I guess the using authenticationClient.buildRedirectToSigningForSigner is a better way to do this. The other part that was not clear first was to create an auth token for a particular signer, while I have multiple in-person signers, I wasn't sure which signer to pick and why, so I randomly picked one of the signers. So I guess documentation can be improved in that area. Thanks again for your help.

Reply to: Applying layouts

0 votes
Great. Yes, we are on I'll give it a try today. Thanks,

Reply to: Hiding package owner in the signers dropdown in designer view

0 votes
We are on (new UI), but I see the owner in the signers list. Here is my code. Please let me know what is wrong.
DocumentPackage samplePackage = PackageBuilder.newPackageNamed("Sample Package")
        .describedAs("This is a sample package")
        .withDocument(DocumentBuilder.newDocumentWithName("Sample Document")
            .fromStream(doc, DocumentType.WORD))

    PackageId packageId = eslClient.createPackage(samplePackage);
    System.out.println("Package created: " + packageId.getId());

    String senderAuthenticationToken = eslClient.getAuthenticationTokensService().createSenderAuthenticationToken(packageId.getId());
    String generatedLinkToDesignerForSender = authenticationClient.buildRedirectToDesignerForSender(senderAuthenticationToken, packageId.getId());
    System.out.println("Designer URL: " + generatedLinkToDesignerForSender);
And here is the code to open the designer for a layout
    DocumentPackage samplePackage = PackageBuilder.newPackageNamed("Sample Layout - "+Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())
        .describedAs("This is a sample package")
        .withSigner(SignerBuilder.newSignerPlaceholder(new Placeholder(ROLE1)))
        .withSigner(SignerBuilder.newSignerPlaceholder(new Placeholder(ROLE2)))
        .withDocument(DocumentBuilder.newDocumentWithName("Sample Document")
            .fromStream(doc, DocumentType.WORD))

    PackageId packageId = eslClient.createPackage(samplePackage);
    System.out.println("Package created: " + packageId.getId());

    String layoutId = eslClient.getLayoutService().createLayout(samplePackage);
    System.out.println("Layout created: " + layoutId);

    String senderAuthenticationToken = eslClient.getAuthenticationTokensService().createSenderAuthenticationToken(layoutId);
    String generatedLinkToDesignerForSender = authenticationClient.buildRedirectToDesignerForSender(senderAuthenticationToken, layoutId);
    System.out.println("Designer URL: " + generatedLinkToDesignerForSender);
When I open the designer URL printed above the owner is in the list. See the screenshots attached. The first one in the list is my name which is the owner. Thanks,



Topics Replies Freshness Views Users
I would like to make a suggestion to be a bit more specific in the maven artifact name of the java sdk.
2 7 years 2 months ago 49
Profile picture for user mwilliams
Hi, What should be the http response code returned by the notification callback handler? Does esignlive care about it at all? Is 204 (NO CONTENT) ok? Thanks,
4 7 years 3 months ago 35
Profile picture for user mwilliams
Hi, How can we hide the package owner in the drop down list of signers in the designer view (when the owner is not a signer)? Thanks,
9 6 years 9 months ago 57
Profile picture for user mwilliams
Hello, I am trying to apply a layout that is created with PlaceHolder for signers.
6 7 years 11 months ago 79
Profile picture for user harishaidary
Profile picture for user mwilliams
Hi, Is the callback key in notifications returned as a request header? If so, what is the name of that header? Thanks,
1 8 years ago 13
Profile picture for user harishaidary

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