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Is it possible to retrieve Signature Dates for all signers in a completed package?


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Is there a way to know right away if the Canadian OneSpan API or Server is down? I am interested in knowing if 

a) API availability can be monitored?


In a package with multiple documents, created using .net SDK,

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Thank you. In my scenario, the senders will usually have their own OneSpan account, so adding them as a Sender to another account will gave an error as you said. I got this error.

 Optional details: {"messageKey":"error.validation.senderAlreadyMemberOfAnother","code":400,"message":"Sender is already a member of another account.","name":"Validation Error"}

And for those which doesn't already have an account, if I add a Sender to my account , will the sender be able to log in (with a pwd like a regular oneSpan account?) and sign documents?

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Thanks. Based on the above, I guess then there is no way I can add an existing Account holder as a Sender to another account.

Is there a solution/approach that is available in Onespan for any of the following?

My application (non-web) will be used by several users and I was planning to use one common API Key (Account A) to create the packages with each user (who currently have a onespan account) added as a Sender. This is what I believe you said is not possible as you mentioned "Therefore you have to invite them if the email not a sender yet, or you have to use that sender's account owner's API Key to create the package on his/her behalf."

1. If I have Account A that is used to create packages from an application, how to create packages with another Account B as the owner without the need to know the Account B's API key? Can Account B be assigned as the owner of the package by Account A without B's API key?

2. If I have Account A that is used to create packages from an application, can the package be shared (for edits, signing etc) with Account B ?


3) can the user's API key be retrieved for creating the package using the SDK from my application?


Reply to: Using Senders in package

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Thank you for your response. I spoke to the OneSpan support person about my requirement and the following was suggested as a solution to what I want.

my scenario: Account A is the main account and Account B is set up as a Sender under Account A. So in-order to create the package from Account A on Behalf of Account B, I see two options

option 1: As Account B is a Sender on Account A, use the Sender option when creating the transaction.  Account B able to edit the transaction and will Account B be the owner of the transaction. This is a good solution to my scenario.

option 2: This was an option suggested by support.

  1. invoke using Account A’s API key, the call to API that will retrieve Account B’s API key – it was said this will be possible as Account B is under Account What is the code SDK sample to do this using .NET SDK v11.32 
  2. With the retrieved Account B’s API key, call API to create the transaction – this transaction will be owned by Account B

Support asked me to post this info and ask in the forum, Can you please confirm/answer the above?



Reply to: Using Senders in package

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Thank you Duo. I came to know of the account set up structure only when the support person told me. That simplified the scenario a lot. 

The way the accounts are set up as Senders under a main account. I am able to use the approach as detailed in "Create package on behalf of another Sender (.NET SDK)". I have tried this and it works! I do not after all need the API key of the sender to be able to send a package by using Main account API key, on behalf of the sender from under main account.

This approach seems to work for my scenario.

The following are the options I have gathered from my own research into OneSpan and from the inputs I received from the support and your responses.

Approach 1: use the approach as detailed in "Create package on behalf of another Sender (.NET SDK)". Our current account set up seems to allow this option to work

Approach 2: Get the API key of the Sender and then create the package; This option seems to be available only when using RESP API calls and not with .NET SDK

Approach 3: I read this article which talks about the option to use Client App token when creating the package programmatically. I haven't tried this as this is version of SDK seems to be not available for download.

Can I please request for a meeting/call with you to finalise the approach I need to take keeping in mind maintainability of the solution I choose?




Topics Replies Freshness Views Users


Is it possible to retrieve Signature Dates for all signers in a completed package?


Thank You.

14 3 years ago 212
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang



Is there a way to know right away if the Canadian OneSpan API or Server is down? I am interested in knowing if 

a) API availability can be monitored?

1 3 years 5 months ago 73
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
4 3 years 6 months ago 234
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1 3 years 9 months ago 138
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In a package with multiple documents, created using .net SDK,

1 3 years 10 months ago 92
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