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Good Afternoon, I am using the On Premise verson 6.5 and recently tried to download the evidence document from a finished package. However that document was blank.
Good afternoon, My team is using the On-Premise version of ESignLive. This weekend, we updated one of our environments from version 6.2 to 6.5.
Good Morning, I am currently in the process of making modifications to exsiting signing ceremonies in order to use the WithAda() Flag and make the documents readable by software such as the JAWS rea
Good Afternoon, i am currently in the process of updating one of our Applications to include ADA functionality. This application is pointed at the cloud implementation.
Good Afternoon, My orginization is in the process of upgrading our On Premise ESignLive solution from 6.2 to 6.5.

Replies Created

Reply to: Using WithADA() flag with On Premise solution 6.5

0 votes
I can certantly try your workaround, What SDK command can i use to Update the package settings to enable ADA at the points that you have indicated? I can also create a ticket for this, i was just hoping for a faster response as my last couple of times creating a ticket have had a week pass before receiving a response

Reply to: Using WithADA() flag with On Premise solution 6.5

0 votes
I have created the ticket. it is Case# 00110986 When using the REST service i simply do not get the error. but none of the other settings seem to apply. Such as I have set WithoutNavigator and WithoutDocumentToolbarDownloadButton but both of those still appear making me wonder if the ADA flag is being registered either. I am working currently with an unfortunate limitation in that I do not have a reader to verify that the ADA flag truely works yet. that is part of the reason why id prefer to use the SDK.

Reply to: Using WithADA() flag with On Premise solution 6.5

0 votes
I was going to look more in depth at the differences I had between the two calls tomorrow. I do see a couple of obvious differences that i will address to see what happens. such as the sdk object name layout vs the rest call CeremonyLayoutSettings. I am still using the SDKs DocumentPackageSettingsBuilder.NewDocumentPackageSettings() to create the package settings even in the REST call and am just rapping it in an annonymous type that then gets serialized by NewtonSoft. Tomorrow ill probably try creating it by hand. I changed some of the data fields that have some information id prefer not to share but here is what i have captured Fiddler from using SDK { "autocomplete":true, "data":{"sdk":".NET v11.12"}, "description":"", "documents":[], "emailMessage":"", "messages":[], "name":"PackageName", "roles":[ { "attachmentRequirements":[], "id":"customer", "index":0, "locked":false, "name":"customer", "reassign":false, "signers":[ { "auth": { "challenges":[], "scheme":"NONE" }, "email":"[email protected]", "firstName":"Han", "id":"customer", "lastName":"Solo", "professionalIdentityFields":[], "specialTypes":[], "userCustomFields":[] }], "specialTypes":[] }], "settings": { "ceremony": { "declineButton":true, "declineReasons":[], "disableFirstInPersonAffidavit":true, "disableSecondInPersonAffidavit":true, "ada":true, "documentToolbarOptions":{"downloadButton":false}, "events":{"complete":{"dialog":true}}, "handOver": { "href":"", "text":"Exit", "title":"" }, "hideCaptureText":true, "hideLanguageDropdown":true, "hidePackageOwnerInPerson":true, "hideWatermark":true, "layout": { "header": { "breadcrumbs":false, "globalActions": { "confirm":false, "download":false }, "globalNavigation":false, "sessionBar":false, "titleBar":{"progressBar":false} }, "navigator":false }, "optOutButton":false, "optOutReasons":[] } }, "trashed":false, "type":"PACKAGE", "visibility":"ACCOUNT" } Fiddler from using Rest call { "settings": { "ceremony": { "ShowLanguageDropDown":false, "EnableFirstAffidavit":false, "EnableSecondAffidavit":false, "ShowOwnerInPersonDropDown":false, "EnableInPerson":true, "EnableOptOut":false, "DisableOptOutOther":null, "EnableDecline":true, "DisableDeclineOther":null, "HideWatermark":true, "HideCaptureText":true, "Ada":true, "DeclineReasons":[], "OptOutReasons":[], "MaxAuthAttempts":null, "ShowDownloadButton":false, "ShowDialogOnComplete":true, "LinkText":"Exit", "LinkTooltip":null, "LinkHref":"", "CeremonyLayoutSettings": { "IFrame":null, "BreadCrumbs":false, "SessionBar":false, "GlobalNavigation":false, "ShowGlobalSaveAsLayoutButton":null, "ShowGlobalDownloadButton":false, "ShowGlobalConfirmButton":false, "ProgressBar":false, "ShowTitle":null, "Navigator":false, "LogoImageSource":null, "LogoImageLink":null } } } ,"type":"PACKAGE", "language":"en", "name":"PackageName", "roles":[ { "type":"SIGNER", "id":"customer", "name":"customer", "signers":[ { "id":"customer", "firstName":"Han", "lastName":"Solo", "email":"[email protected]" }] }] }

Reply to: Using WithADA() flag with On Premise solution 6.5

0 votes
That is an interesting question. One of the other things i have been battling with the upgrade to 6.5 is the default consent document. In this project, we want it disabled. I was not able to find any settings that disabled it in BackOffice specifically but i did find that if I created an account level document and left it null in 6.2 that would prevent it from showing up. In the upgrade to 6.5, that is no longer the case and uses the default consent document that is the backoffice wide version despite me having overridden it. This default document is NOT ada compliant I had searched through these forums for a solution for disabling of the Default Consent Document and found a post where the recomendation was to delete the document prior to calling Send. That would be after i make this initial call. I will see if I can get someone to make an ADA compliant version of the default consent document to load into this account, even though we dont want to use it. at least that may be a good test case to see if that is the specific problem.

Reply to: Using WithADA() flag with On Premise solution 6.5

0 votes
Good Morning. I did a test using a tagged document in the default consent and was getting the same error. Oddly enough, when i returned the default consent document back to a null value, it once again removed the document just like it did in 6.2 without me needing to reintroduce the code to delete, so im going to write that off as an upgrage peculiarity.


Topics Replies Freshness Views Users
Good Afternoon, I am using the On Premise verson 6.5 and recently tried to download the evidence document from a finished package. However that document was blank.
8 5 years 2 months ago 34
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Good afternoon, My team is using the On-Premise version of ESignLive. This weekend, we updated one of our environments from version 6.2 to 6.5.
5 1 year 10 months ago 1,035
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Good Morning, I am currently in the process of making modifications to exsiting signing ceremonies in order to use the WithAda() Flag and make the documents readable by software such as the JAWS rea
5 5 years 6 months ago 87
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Good Afternoon, i am currently in the process of updating one of our Applications to include ADA functionality. This application is pointed at the cloud implementation.
10 5 years 6 months ago 52
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Good Afternoon, My orginization is in the process of upgrading our On Premise ESignLive solution from 6.2 to 6.5.
11 5 years 9 months ago 49
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

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