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I have a business account that all users delegate into and now they want to use it to send transactions via an integration.

Until recently this worked with 1000 per page but NOW I had to do 250 to get it to work correctly, why?  I tried 500 and it failed just like 1000.

I had API code below that used a PullPageSize of 500 and worked fine, but with the OneSpan updates that returns a null pointer.  I can use 100 without a problem.  


Looking to create a transaction (done) and then get a signing URL or start signing process because I need to allow signing in an "iframe" or withing a .NET application wihtout sending the emails ou

C# code that can be used to generate usage reports (code mostly by Duo) and also a downloader tab to download inflight and/or complete transactions and their associated files.  Useful to downl

Replies Created

Reply to: iFrame in C# forms application

0 votes

Since my application is a Windows forms application I guess instead of the iframe I can just use a browser control.  We use FedRAMP SSO and using the code below I get the transcation created by the URL only takes me to A2.  Can I use a URL for this or because we are SSO with FedRAMP will that not work.


URL created to display the transaction that takes me to A2:[ZDY5M2UwMmEtODhlNC00YzZjLWFjMjEtNWY3NTc2MWYwMTJi]


    GlobalVars.CurrentapiKey = GlobalVars.arrUserAPIKey[cbUsers5.SelectedIndex];
            GlobalVars.CurrentapiUrl = GlobalVars.arrURLs[cbEnvironments8.SelectedIndex];
            OssClient oClient = new OssClient(GlobalVars.CurrentapiKey, GlobalVars.CurrentapiUrl);

            FileStream fs = File.OpenRead("C:\\Temp\\Test_Summary.pdf");

            DocumentPackage superDuperPackage = PackageBuilder.NewPackageNamed("Test Package .NET6")
                        .NewSignerWithEmail("[email protected]")
                        .WithFirstName("Signer First Name")
                        .WithLastName("Signer Last Name")
                        .NewSignerWithEmail("[email protected]")
                        .WithFirstName("Your First Name")
                        .WithLastName("Your Last Name"))
                            .FromStream(fs, DocumentType.PDF)
                                    .SignatureFor("[email protected]")
                                    .AtPosition(175, 165))
                                    .SignatureFor("[email protected]")
                                    .AtPosition(550, 165))

            PackageId packageId = oClient.CreatePackageOneStep(superDuperPackage);
            string Senderst = oClient.AuthenticationTokenService.CreateSenderAuthenticationToken(packageId);
            string newURLstr = "[" + Senderst + "]";
            TBBrowser.Url= new Uri(newURLstr);
            //newURLstr value was:[ZDY5M2UwMmEtODhlNC00YzZjLWFjMjEtNWY3NTc2MWYwMTJi]

Reply to: iFrame in C# forms application

0 votes

I updated the code to use the URL below and got the following error[NWJjOWRiODctMzEzOC00YWMxLWJjZTUtYWVmMDFmOTYxNDdh]

Error displayed:

Unauthorized Access

Your authenication token was incorrect.


The transaction is created was:  5xdG_8teu_NI4L20CpNYrIkg6cE=

I do use Subaccounts.  Do I need to do something to set up things for the token to work so the sender can see the transaction and make their final edits.  It's a draft after I create it beacuse I don't send it.

Reply to: iFrame in C# forms application

0 votes

I used the information in the authentication token guide and related calls to generate the URL below




I get an error


Access Denied

Your authentication token was incorrect.


I get it for both transactions in the main account and those in subaccounts.


                PackageId packageId = new PackageId("WeK0hB1I9_faQC3XSMplk6ExYw8="); //main account
                string Senderst = oClient.AuthenticationTokenService.CreateSenderAuthenticationToken(packageId);

                //Used to display designer screen
                string newURLstr = "" + Senderst + "&target=" + packageId.ToString() + "/designer";
                TBBrowser.Url = new Uri(newURLstr);
                UpdateStatus("URL:  "+newURLstr);
                UpdateStatus("Displaying Transaction For Editing!");


I tried wrong API information and different settings which gave me other errors so I'm fairly sure this is the right environment.


Any suggestions?  Do you think our use of Subaccounts is impacting my results?

Reply to: API Attachments Count or Change Options

0 votes

Is there a way to use the .NET interface to access the insertDate or is it just available in JSON?  I couldn't find an obvious way to access the package values for rols->attachmentRequirements via the .NET interface but maybe I just missed it.


Topics Replies Freshness Views Users

I have a business account that all users delegate into and now they want to use it to send transactions via an integration.

1 1 week 3 days ago 36

Until recently this worked with 1000 per page but NOW I had to do 250 to get it to work correctly, why?  I tried 500 and it failed just like 1000.

0 3 months ago 23

I had API code below that used a PullPageSize of 500 and worked fine, but with the OneSpan updates that returns a null pointer.  I can use 100 without a problem.  


10 3 months 2 weeks ago 90
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

Looking to create a transaction (done) and then get a signing URL or start signing process because I need to allow signing in an "iframe" or withing a .NET application wihtout sending the emails ou

1 7 months 3 weeks ago 27
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

C# code that can be used to generate usage reports (code mostly by Duo) and also a downloader tab to download inflight and/or complete transactions and their associated files.  Useful to downl

2 9 months 3 weeks ago 39
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

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