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Hi Q1: Regarding The feature where the DateTimestamp appear as a background image, is this configured per APIKEY at account set up?
Hi, Is there any requirement on the PDF so that Position Extraction is captured by the REST API? The problem I'm having is that Im working with a 3rd party which delivers a PDF with Signature Fields
Hi, We have an application which creates SENDERS (unique email) on the fly if they have never sent any ESL package before. We are using REST API to create a "dashboard" for each of those SENDERS we c
Hi I have a working sample with Document Extraction using the eSignlive signature Field in [] and I'm converting it to using Position Extraction , using regular Field Name in the PDF and using the
Hi, is there a way to test the callback feature so that when there is a callback from ESL (example after the signing ceremony is completed), it calls my Dev running the webservice ? like http://local

Replies Created

Reply to: Getting Started Questions

0 votes
Hi Haris Thanks for your prompt reply :
"5. Every package you create with eSignLive, a unique package identifier is returned to you. Again, you will have to keep track of this on your side to figure out from which institution each package is created from. Also, every authentication token you create will be unique."
5.1 Can you tell me how and where I would send 2 references to the package; our Application Reference No and Vendor Code ? These will be a references to our Application ( example a unique number the brokers will know to which the Application came from). 5.2 Also can we do a search by the 2 references in question. The use case scenario , Assuming One eSignLive Account which holds ALL forms from various Institution which we ( the Vendor ) manages. This will be exceptional cases, when there is a need to check if any pending forms that needs to be cancelled/modified . It would be great to have a filter on those custom references given that there may be a lot of pending forms in the Inbox. 5.3 What do you mean by "authentication token you create will be unique." is that the "apiKey" used in Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", apiKey); ? Since we are looking for both possibilities ; a Single Account ( Vendor's account) and a Multiple Account ( Institution's Account) . In the case of the former, I'm using the API KEY from my Developer Account. So I'm guessing the Latter, I need to ask the Insitution to provide me with their API Key ? With regards to the sample classes... Can you point me to the link which has the OBJECTS/CLASSES ? I did a search on "Serialize, Deserialize" I couldnt find anything in the forum or code share ?

Reply to: Getting Started Questions

0 votes
5.1 Ok, I know i sound like a broken record but I want to make sure that there is no way to apply a tag or reference back to the originating Web Application ? This will allow us to put some context tagged onto the package we upload to eSignLive. Specially since we will be using a Single Account to host multiple Institutions and once it is uploaded, i'm guessing it would be good to have some context of the packages since all will be ending in the same account. I will certainly look into the predefined "Senders per Institution" . One question related to this option - Can the "Senders" be created using the REST API on the fly or Do I have to create it (ONCE) before we start interfacing to you? 5.2 With regards to Multiple Accounts, I'm covering those Institutions who already have an eSignLive Account with you or for some reason would insist on having their own eSignLive account. In this case, given that they are also using our Web Application to request Signed documents , we would have to direct the package to their Account, right? In this case, which token/apiKey do I use?

Reply to: Simulating REST workflow using SOAPUI

0 votes
Hi Haris, Ok adding "Basic" seems to work and changing the id for the roles. However, I'm getting another type of error poiting to the JSON i'm passing Is there a way to debug and find out the source of the error? This is the JSON i'm sending {"roles":[{"locked":false,"emailMessage":{"content":"JSON Sample email"},"attachmentRequirements":[],"reassign":false,"specialTypes":[],"id":"SignerId1","data":null,"type":"SIGNER","index":0,"signers":[{"auth":{"challenges":[],"scheme":"NONE"},"company":"Technicost Inc","firstName":"CYRIL","lastName":"W.","phone":"","email":"[email protected]","knowledgeBasedAuthentication":null,"language":"en","title":"Lead Architect","external":null,"professionalIdentityFields":[],"userCustomFields":[],"delivery":{"email":true,"provider":false,"download":true},"group":null,"signature":null,"address":null,"data":null,"name":"","specialTypes":[]}],"name":"SenderName - CYRIL"},{"locked":false,"emailMessage":{"content":""},"attachmentRequirements":[],"reassign":false,"specialTypes":[],"id":"SignerId2","data":null,"type":"SIGNER","index":0,"signers":[{"auth":{"challenges":[],"scheme":"NONE"},"company":"","firstName":"SIGNER 2 FNAME","lastName":"SIGNER_LAST_NAME 2","phone":"","email":"[email protected]","knowledgeBasedAuthentication":null,"language":"en","title":"","external":null,"professionalIdentityFields":[],"userCustomFields":[],"delivery":{"email":false,"provider":false,"download":false},"group":null,"id":"Signer","signature":null,"address":null,"data":null,"name":"","specialTypes":[]}],"name":"Signer"}],"documents":[{"approvals":[{"role":"Signer","signed":null,"accepted":null,"data":null,"fields":[{"page":0,"subtype":"FULLNAME","width":200,"binding":null,"extract":false,"extractAnchor":null,"left":175,"top":165,"validation":null,"height":50,"data":null,"type":"SIGNATURE","value":""}],"name":""},{"role":"Sender","signed":null,"accepted":null,"data":null,"fields":[{"page":0,"subtype":"FULLNAME","width":200,"binding":null,"extract":false,"extractAnchor":null,"left":550,"top":165,"validation":null,"height":50,"data":null,"type":"SIGNATURE","value":""}],"name":""}],"name":"YOUR_FILE_NAME"}],"name":"Test_Package_REST","type":"PACKAGE","language":"en","emailMessage":"","description":"New Package","autoComplete":true,"status":"SENT"} The error I'm getting the following RAW JSON... but it is hard to read as the string is encoded in the "technical" node. Is there an easy way to know where the "unexpected character" is from? { "technical": "Unexpected character ('=' (code 61)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null')\n at [Source: {\"roles\":[{\"locked\":false,\"emailMessage\":{\"content\":\"JSON Sample email\"},\"a=\r\nttachmentRequirements\":[],\"reassign\":false,\"specialTypes\":[],\"id\":\"SignerId=\r\n1\",\"data\":null,\"type\":\"SIGNER\",\"index\":0,\"signers\":[{\"auth\":{\"challenges\":[=\r\n],\"scheme\":\"NONE\"},\"company\":\"Technicost Inc\",\"firstName\":\"CYRIL\",\"lastName=\r\n\":\"W.\",\"phone\":\"\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"knowledgeBasedAuthentica=\r\ntion\":null,\"language\":\"en\",\"title\":\"Lead Architect\",\"external\":null,\"profes=\r\nsionalIdentityFields\":[],\"userCustomFields\":[],\"delivery\":{\"email\":true,\"pr=\r\novider\":false,\"download\":true},\"group\":null,\"signature\":null,\"address\":null=\r\n,\"data\":null,\"name\":\"\",\"specialTypes\":[]}],\"name\":\"SenderName - CYRIL\"},{\"l=\r\nocked\":false,\"emailMessage\":{\"content\":\"\"},\"attachmentRequirements\":[],\"rea=\r\nssign\":false,\"specialTypes\":[],\"id\":\"SignerId2\",\"data\":null,\"type\":\"SIGNER\"=\r\n,\"index\":0,\"signers\":[{\"auth\":{\"challenges\":[],\"scheme\":\"NONE\"},\"company\":\"=\r\n\",\"firstName\":\"SIGNER 2 FNAME\",\"lastName\":\"SIGNER_LAST_NAME 2\",\"phone\":\"\",\"=\r\nemail\":\"[email protected]\",\"knowledgeBasedAuthentication\":null,\"language\":=\r\n\"en\",\"title\":\"\",\"external\":null,\"professionalIdentityFields\":[],\"userCustom=\r\nFields\":[],\"delivery\":{\"email\":false,\"provider\":false,\"download\":false},\"gr=\r\noup\":null,\"id\":\"Signer\",\"signature\":null,\"address\":null,\"data\":null,\"name\":=\r\n\"\",\"specialTypes\":[]}],\"name\":\"Signer\"}],\"documents\":[{\"approvals\":[{\"role\"=\r\n:\"Signer\",\"signed\":null,\"accepted\":null,\"data\":null,\"fields\":[{\"page\":0,\"su=\r\nbtype\":\"FULLNAME\",\"width\":200,\"binding\":null,\"extract\":false,\"extractAnchor=\r\n\":null,\"left\":175,\"top\":165,\"validation\":null,\"height\":50,\"data\":null,\"type=\r\n\":\"SIGNATURE\",\"value\":\"\"}],\"name\":\"\"},{\"role\":\"Sender\",\"signed\":null,\"accep=\r\nted\":null,\"data\":null,\"fields\":[{\"page\":0,\"subtype\":\"FULLNAME\",\"width\":200,=\r\n\"binding\":null,\"extract\":false,\"extractAnchor\":null,\"left\":550,\"top\":165,\"v=\r\nalidation\":null,\"height\":50,\"data\":null,\"type\":\"SIGNATURE\",\"value\":\"\"}],\"na=\r\nme\":\"\"}],\"name\":\"YOUR_FILE_NAME\"}],\"name\":\"Test_Package_REST\",\"type\":\"PACKA=\r\nGE\",\"language\":\"en\",\"emailMessage\":\"\",\"description\":\"New Package\",\"autoComp=\r\nlete\":true,\"status\":\"SENT\"}; line: 1, column: 233] (through reference chain: com.silanis.esl.api.model.Package[\"roles\"]->com.silanis.esl.api.model.Role[\"signers\"]->com.silanis.esl.api.model.Signer[\"auth\"]->com.silanis.esl.api.model.auth.Auth[\"challenges\"])", "entity": null, "packageId": null, "messageKey": "error.validation.invalidJson", "message": "Invalid JSON.", "code": 400, "name": "Validation Error" }

Reply to: Simulating REST workflow using SOAPUI

0 votes
Haris, I may have rushed into going straight to the samples and learning by examples... but I'm obviously missing some important specs to help me understand what I'm sending. So I'd like to step back a little and make sure I understand the workflow and structures I'm sending to you in the form of the JSON). The sequence diagram for the SDK shows there are 3 requests (Create Document Package, Add documents, Start Session ) before the Package is created vs the blog which explains the Create and Send Package , it is all done in one single WebS call. Can you confirm that in the REST, we can indeed send all info in the JSON , Upload the binary PDF in one call? Where do I get more detailed information about the JSON schema and what each node represent ( the type and values). I noticed based on the sample you edited that you removed all the spaces... I'm guessing it makes sense for nodes which represent ID ( or keys/codes ). However, I ALSO noticed you removed the spaces for literals or descriptive ( example Email Message ). I think it will help me understand your structure for sending package and the inter-dependencies between the various sections of the JSON instead of guessing from the samples. You mentioned you have edited the approvals and role nodes with the proper role id . COmparing the nodes I now realized the role => id are equivalent and represent the ID . Again i think if you can point me to the docs which explains the different sections to define the "roles", "approvals", "signers".. I'm starting to see a clearer picture based on the samples, but having the pointer which defines the whole structure will help me avoid silly mistakes. Some of the questions I have : - "roles" seems mandatory and needs to be defined with all signers referenced in the "documents", right? - within "roles" what are "specialTypes" ? - within "roles" what are "attachmentRequirements" - the type, format, array? - within "roles" what are signers - it seems like an array is it 1 to 1 for each "role" - in "documents" what are approvals refer to - is it the signers defined in "roles" - this is the reason why documents.approvals.role = - wihtin the "Root", there is an emailMessage - is it the same as the email within each roles/signers? etc.. and so many more questions In Summary, Would you have a more explicit documentation which explains the possible input and output which are used in the JSON for the REST API. Neither the latter nor the blog examples does not go in detail on what the JSON input/output. In the mean time, I'll continue to proceed with the T & E using the 2 blogs (CreateAndSend , CheckPackageStatusAmdDownload) which I'm using to create my POC. Thanks

Reply to: Simulating REST workflow using SOAPUI

0 votes
I've used the JSON you provided and removed all the spacings and submitted through SOAPUI, but is still getting errors. Can you tell me which tool you are using to POST these samples? Can you reproduce the test with SOAPUI and let me know if you are successful? Note: I've done all my POC and Testing with this independent tool to any new integrations to REST or SOAP services. Normally, all JSON or XML payloads are automatically encoded when submitted via this tool... However, I've also seen Vendors which encode their payload, which I then have to decode ... I'm not sure if this is the case here but in this test I'm sending the JSON exactly as is ( below in the blockquote), I noticed also in your response, the JSON has some escape chars - which may be normal - but making it unreadable without some alterations to the response . WOuld you have some tips on how you debug those cases? Below is the JSON i used, with the setup i sent you yesterday through SOAP UI
{"roles":[{"locked":false,"emailMessage":{"content":"JSONSampleemail"},"attachmentRequirements":[],"reassign":false,"specialTypes":[],"id":"SignerId1","data":null,"type":"SIGNER","index":0,"signers":[{"auth":{"challenges":[],"scheme":"NONE"},"company":"TechnicostInc","firstName":"CYRIL","lastName":"W.","phone":"","email":"[email protected]","knowledgeBasedAuthentication":null,"language":"en","title":"LeadArchitect","external":null,"professionalIdentityFields":[],"userCustomFields":[],"delivery":{"email":true,"provider":false,"download":true},"group":null,"signature":null,"address":null,"data":null,"name":"","specialTypes":[]}],"name":"SenderName–CYRIL"},{"locked":false,"emailMessage":{"content":""},"attachmentRequirements":[],"reassign":false,"specialTypes":[],"id":"SignerId2","data":null,"type":"SIGNER","index":0,"signers":[{"auth":{"challenges":[],"scheme":"NONE"},"company":"","firstName":"SIGNER2FNAME","lastName":"SIGNER_LAST_NAME2","phone":"","email":"[email protected]","knowledgeBasedAuthentication":null,"language":"en","title":"","external":null,"professionalIdentityFields":[],"userCustomFields":[],"delivery":{"email":false,"provider":false,"download":false},"group":null,"id":"Signer","signature":null,"address":null,"data":null,"name":"","specialTypes":[]}],"name":"Signer"}],"documents":[{"approvals":[{"role":"SignerId1","signed":null,"accepted":null,"data":null,"fields":[{"page":0,"subtype":"FULLNAME","width":200,"binding":null,"extract":false,"extractAnchor":null,"left":175,"top":165,"validation":null,"height":50,"data":null,"type":"SIGNATURE","value":""}],"name":""},{"role":"SignerId2","signed":null,"accepted":null,"data":null,"fields":[{"page":0,"subtype":"FULLNAME","width":200,"binding":null,"extract":false,"extractAnchor":null,"left":550,"top":165,"validation":null,"height":50,"data":null,"type":"SIGNATURE","value":""}],"name":""}],"name":"YOUR_FILE_NAME"}],"name":"Test_Package_REST","type":"PACKAGE","language":"en","emailMessage":"","description":"NewPackage","autoComplete":true,"status":"SENT"}
The response I get in RAW format:
{ "entity": null, "technical": "Unexpected character ('=' (code 61)): was expecting comma to separate OBJECT entries\n at [Source: {\"roles\":[{\"locked\":false,\"emailMessage\":{\"content\":\"JSONSampleemail\"},\"att=\r\nachmentRequirements\":[],\"reassign\":false,\"specialTypes\":[],\"id\":\"SignerId1\"=\r\n,\"data\":null,\"type\":\"SIGNER\",\"index\":0,\"signers\":[{\"auth\":{\"challenges\":[],=\r\n\"scheme\":\"NONE\"},\"company\":\"TechnicostInc\",\"firstName\":\"CYRIL\",\"lastName\":\"=\r\nW.\",\"phone\":\"\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"knowledgeBasedAuthenticatio=\r\nn\":null,\"language\":\"en\",\"title\":\"LeadArchitect\",\"external\":null,\"profession=\r\nalIdentityFields\":[],\"userCustomFields\":[],\"delivery\":{\"email\":true,\"provid=\r\ner\":false,\"download\":true},\"group\":null,\"signature\":null,\"address\":null,\"da=\r\nta\":null,\"name\":\"\",\"specialTypes\":[]}],\"name\":\"SenderName=96CYRIL\"},{\"locke=\r\nd\":false,\"emailMessage\":{\"content\":\"\"},\"attachmentRequirements\":[],\"reassig=\r\nn\":false,\"specialTypes\":[],\"id\":\"SignerId2\",\"data\":null,\"type\":\"SIGNER\",\"in=\r\ndex\":0,\"signers\":[{\"auth\":{\"challenges\":[],\"scheme\":\"NONE\"},\"company\":\"\",\"f=\r\nirstName\":\"SIGNER2FNAME\",\"lastName\":\"SIGNER_LAST_NAME2\",\"phone\":\"\",\"email\":=\r\n\"[email protected]\",\"knowledgeBasedAuthentication\":null,\"language\":\"en\",\"t=\r\nitle\":\"\",\"external\":null,\"professionalIdentityFields\":[],\"userCustomFields\"=\r\n:[],\"delivery\":{\"email\":false,\"provider\":false,\"download\":false},\"group\":nu=\r\nll,\"id\":\"Signer\",\"signature\":null,\"address\":null,\"data\":null,\"name\":\"\",\"spe=\r\ncialTypes\":[]}],\"name\":\"Signer\"}],\"documents\":[{\"approvals\":[{\"role\":\"Signe=\r\nrId1\",\"signed\":null,\"accepted\":null,\"data\":null,\"fields\":[{\"page\":0,\"subtyp=\r\ne\":\"FULLNAME\",\"width\":200,\"binding\":null,\"extract\":false,\"extractAnchor\":nu=\r\nll,\"left\":175,\"top\":165,\"validation\":null,\"height\":50,\"data\":null,\"type\":\"S=\r\nIGNATURE\",\"value\":\"\"}],\"name\":\"\"},{\"role\":\"SignerId2\",\"signed\":null,\"accept=\r\ned\":null,\"data\":null,\"fields\":[{\"page\":0,\"subtype\":\"FULLNAME\",\"width\":200,\"=\r\nbinding\":null,\"extract\":false,\"extractAnchor\":null,\"left\":550,\"top\":165,\"va=\r\nlidation\":null,\"height\":50,\"data\":null,\"type\":\"SIGNATURE\",\"value\":\"\"}],\"nam=\r\ne\":\"\"}],\"name\":\"YOUR_FILE_NAME\"}],\"name\":\"Test_Package_REST\",\"type\":\"PACKAG=\r\nE\",\"language\":\"en\",\"emailMessage\":\"\",\"description\":\"NewPackage\",\"autoComple=\r\nte\":true,\"status\":\"SENT\"}; line: 1, column: 155] (through reference chain: com.silanis.esl.api.model.Package[\"roles\"])", "packageId": null, "messageKey": "error.validation.invalidJson", "message": "Invalid JSON.", "code": 400, "name": "Validation Error" }


Topics Replies Freshness Views Users
Hi Q1: Regarding The feature where the DateTimestamp appear as a background image, is this configured per APIKEY at account set up?
5 5 years ago 386
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Hi, Is there any requirement on the PDF so that Position Extraction is captured by the REST API? The problem I'm having is that Im working with a 3rd party which delivers a PDF with Signature Fields
1 5 years 11 months ago 25
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Hi, We have an application which creates SENDERS (unique email) on the fly if they have never sent any ESL package before. We are using REST API to create a "dashboard" for each of those SENDERS we c
4 2 years 8 months ago 66
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Hi I have a working sample with Document Extraction using the eSignlive signature Field in [] and I'm converting it to using Position Extraction , using regular Field Name in the PDF and using the
1 6 years 4 months ago 42
Profile picture for user harishaidary
Hi, is there a way to test the callback feature so that when there is a callback from ESL (example after the signing ceremony is completed), it calls my Dev running the webservice ? like http://local
2 6 years 8 months ago 27
Profile picture for user harishaidary

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