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Hi, I have 3 forms.
Hi I'm getting this error but not sure how to debug it. Is there a way to know which user it is referring to? Req: {"sender":{"email":"[email protected]"},"settings":{"ceremony":{"events":{"complete":{"
Once the Package is updated with status = "SENT", emails are sent to the corresponding applicants (signers) in the package. However, since this process is happening in front of the Lender, I would I l
Hi I'm trying to update the STATUS from "DRAFT" to "SENT" but getting an error. Here is my snippet...

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Reply to: Simulating REST workflow using SOAPUI

0 votes
I've always used the same JSON Editor and this is why I'm certain the JSON is properly formatted. After some unsuccessful attempts, I've concluded that SOAPUI ( which also supports testing RESTful services) somehow is creating problems when I've been succcessful in the past calling similar RESTful services with other 3rd party vendors. So now I'm using the tool you suggested POSTMAN and was able to submit the same payload. At this point, at least I can move forward. Now I'm trying to submit a Package and Upload the PDF . My goal is to have the PDF Uploaded and Emails sent In the sample PDF, I've created some fields and named the 2 signature fields according to your nomenclature for DOcument Extract. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong because I am getting errors. My JSON payload is:
{"settings":{"ceremony":{"events":{"complete":{"dialog":true,"redirect":""}},"inPerson":true,"declineButton":true,"declineReasons":["Reason 1","Reason 2","No Reason"],"disableDeclineOther":false,"disableDownloadForUncompletedPackage":false,"disableFirstInPersonAffidavit":true,"disableInPersonAffidavit":false,"disableOptOutOther":false,"disableSecondInPersonAffidavit":true,"documentToolbarOptions":{"downloadButton":true},"handOver":{"title":"You will be redirected to Google homepage","href":"","text":"Exit to site"},"hideCaptureText":false,"hideLanguageDropdown":true,"hidePackageOwnerInPerson":true,"hideWatermark":true,"maxAuthFailsAllowed":3,"optOutButton":true,"optOutReasons":["Reason 1","Reason 2"],"style":null,"layout":{"footer":{},"iframe":true,"navigator":true,"brandingBar":{"logo":{"src":"","link":""}},"header":{"feedback":true,"globalActions":{"confirm":true,"download":false,"hideEvidenceSummary":false,"saveAsLayout":false},"titleBar":{"title":true,"progressBar":true},"breadcrumbs":false,"globalNavigation":false,"sessionBar":true}}}},"roles":[{"locked":false,"emailMessage":{"content":"roles1.emailMessage.content 1 JSON Sample email"},"attachmentRequirements":[],"reassign":false,"specialTypes":[],"id":"Signer1","data":null,"type":"SIGNER","index":0,"signers":[{"auth":{"challenges":[],"scheme":"NONE"},"company":"Technicost Inc","firstName":"Roles.Signer 1 FName","lastName":"W.","phone":"","email":"[email protected]","knowledgeBasedAuthentication":null,"language":"en","title":"Lead Architect","external":null,"professionalIdentityFields":[],"userCustomFields":[],"delivery":{"email":true,"provider":false,"download":true},"group":null,"signature":null,"address":null,"data":null,"name":"","specialTypes":[]}],"name":" – CYRIL"},{"locked":false,"emailMessage":{"content":"roles2.emailMessage.content 2"},"attachmentRequirements":[],"reassign":false,"specialTypes":[],"id":"SignerId2","data":null,"type":"SIGNER","index":0,"signers":[{"auth":{"challenges":[],"scheme":"NONE"},"company":"","firstName":"SIGNER2 First Name","lastName":"Signer 2 Last Name","phone":"","email":"[email protected]","knowledgeBasedAuthentication":null,"language":"en","title":"","external":null,"professionalIdentityFields":[],"userCustomFields":[],"delivery":{"email":false,"provider":false,"download":false},"group":null,"id":"SignerId2","signature":null,"address":null,"data":null,"name":"","specialTypes":[]}],"name":"Role.Signer 2 Name"}],"documents":[{"approvals":[],"extract":true,"name":"ESLDocumentWithFormFieldsWithTwoSignatures"}],"name":"root Package Name","type":"PACKAGE","language":"en","emailMessage":"","description":"root description","autoComplete":true,"status":"SENT"}
The Response is:
  "messageKey": "error.validation.extractingFields",
  "technical": "Package: 30ab2f13-ee8b-44af-82a9-43e2c5dd53c4 Document: fec3e7c2686c74e9, Errors: [Unable to interpret field type., Unable to interpret approval name.]",
  "packageId": null,
  "entity": null,
  "message": "Unable to extract PDF fields from this document.",
  "code": 400,
  "name": "Validation Error"
The PDF is Attached: Besides the 2 Signature Fields, I have some other Text Fields I've added as a test to see if I can have Text Fields for editing when it is being submitted at Signature Ceremony. I'd like to see if I can capture last minute input and then save the results back to my Application , is this possible? Would you mind taking a look at the PDF and JSON , and point out what I am doing wrong?

Reply to: Simulating REST workflow using SOAPUI

0 votes
I 've had trouble testing it with SOAPUI and i wasnt sure why ( didnt bother investigating ) so I used the same POSTMAN extension suggested by Haris. If you are familiar with SOAPUI , POSTMAN is easy to understand as well... So for this POC, I had to use POSTMAN due to lack of time to simulate the calls .

Reply to: Simulating REST workflow using SOAPUI

0 votes
Quick answer ... yes you can Create and Send the package at the same time. Check Harris's blog where he showed how to do both.... I would suggest to use his example and build on top of his JSON to add your required elements. Sorry It's been a while I worked on this POC and do not have the sample snippet handy... but if you check his sample JSON above, it should give you an idea.

0 votes
I'd like to explore the following suggestion as maintaining 2 or more versions of a form is not feasible ( some forms may have up to 4 signatures ..)
Another would be to provide a dummy second signer for extraction purposes, for when a second signer wasn’t defined by the user or pulled from your database. Then, you’d simply need to remove the second signer from the package after the document has successfully uploaded and the package created but before you SEND the package or create a signing session. 
What do you mean "simply need to remove the second signer from the package" - are you talking about the JSON ? RIght now the workflow Im using is The Create and Send Package ( as per the sample blog you wrote for REST API) - 1. This is where I have my JSON constructed at runtime with the no of Applicants (described in roles\signers in the JSON), and the PDF with the predefined no of Signature fields ( right now I'm using a sample PDF with 2 predefined signatures - using a convention [SignerId#].[Capture#] so that my JSON will have the proper naming convention to define the number of actual Signers in the PDF. 2. The JSON is uploaded with the PDF to /packages/ 3. At this point an instantaneous email is sent to the Signers So WHERE does this "removal of those dummy signers" takes place and HOW is this achieved? Can you provide me with a sample or point me to the proper section or documentation? Thanks

0 votes
Hi Michael, I think I may have another problem based on the suggested solution. This means I will need to keep track of the number of Signature Controls on each PDF .. so that my initial JSON will contain the number of Roles matching the Number of Signature Fields in the PDF, right? Then at runtime, for a given loan with 1 applicant, determine those which are filled with dummy data, to delete them, right? In this case in some PDF i may have 1 dummy ( 2signatures), 2 dummy ( 3 signatures) or 3 dummy roles ( 4 signatures ), right? I think this alone will be a show stopper for us and maintaining additional forms or fields per PDF will not be acceptable. I'll have to circle it back to my team to see where we take it from here. With regards to the DRAFT vs SENT in the status... can you point me to the documentation on what they are and why would someone use DRAFTS, vs SENT ? What I mean was that, when I did the test with DRAFT, does the applicants in the roles receive an email or is it ONLY submitted when I instruct it as "SENT" - ? I think Harry mentioned in a sample JSON to send it as DRAFT but I never understood this part - WOuld you have some documentation to explain why it is there and under what circumstances I would use one over the other?


Topics Replies Freshness Views Users
Hi, I have 3 forms.
9 6 years 8 months ago 171
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Hi I am trying to CreatePackage and upload using Rest APIs. Below is my JSON String and attached is the PDF. This used to work in may 2017.
10 5 years 10 months ago 13
Profile picture for user harishaidary
Hi I'm getting this error but not sure how to debug it. Is there a way to know which user it is referring to? Req: {"sender":{"email":"[email protected]"},"settings":{"ceremony":{"events":{"complete":{"
12 6 years 9 months ago 21
Profile picture for user mwilliams
1 6 years 9 months ago 14
Profile picture for user mwilliams
Once the Package is updated with status = "SENT", emails are sent to the corresponding applicants (signers) in the package. However, since this process is happening in front of the Lender, I would I l
3 7 years 11 months ago 49
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