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Hello, I'm looking for information around customizing the "From" email address within our Package email templates. Example: email.activate "from" : { "email" : "[email protected]"
Hi, I have a question about data retrieval / reporting.

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Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

0 votes
Michael, Thanks for following up. In our environment, we will have eSL "Accounts" for the different in-house applications that we're integrating with eSL. We've received a number of requests from our in-house partners for reporting along the lines of the following examples: - Total Packages In-Flight (By Account, By Submitting Associate) - Active Package Summary (# of days in-flight packages have been active, high/low/average/median stats, view by Account, view by Submitting Associate) - Total Packages Submitted / Completed (By Account, By Submitting Associate) - Time to Completion Summary I'm assuming we will able to derive the majority of the necessary data from a compilation of specific API calls? Can you elaborate a bit on where and how these API calls will take place? For example, would you recommend coding these calls into the in-house application for which we're integrating eSL? Or are these calls handled in a stand-alone environment? How are the response payloads typically handled as far as writing or storing them within a unique reporting environment? For context, we're running an On-Premise installation. Also, can you provide some direction on a good starting point for API call testing? For example, would you recommend working with a tool like Postman or SoapUI? We we're given a few example API calls to work with, but I'm receiving "401 Unauthorized" errors on the majority of my testing attempts. Screenshot attached. Example calls: Thanks, Jonathon


Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

0 votes
Michael, Good to hear about DB access for On-Premise installations. Still running into authentication errors when attempting to test API calls via Postman. I've attached a few screenshots of my attempts in addition to my attempted workflow below. 1.) GET 2.) Authorization tab >> Set Type = "Basic Auth" >> Username and Password fields appear (Are these necessary?) 3.) Headers tab >> Set key = Authorization and value = My sandbox account API key (MY_API_KEY) 4.) Send 5.) Error Code 401 - Unauthorized **** EDIT - Second Attempt 1.) GET 2.) Authorization tab >> Type = Basic Auth 3.) Username = "Authorization" // Password = API Key 4.) Send 5.) Same 401 - Unauthorized error Any thoughts? Thanks, Jonathon

Reply to: eSL Backend Database / Reporting

0 votes
Got it. That successfully returned an Authentication Token. On to the next step... :) Really appreciate your help on this. Thanks, Jonathon


Topics Replies Freshness Views Users
Hello, I'm looking for information around customizing the "From" email address within our Package email templates. Example: email.activate "from" : { "email" : "[email protected]"
1 7 years 9 months ago 76
Profile picture for user harishaidary
Hi, I have a question about data retrieval / reporting.
10 7 years 11 months ago 47
Profile picture for user mwilliams

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